The Only One For Me

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Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.
-Peter Pan

I knew Clyde was leaving. My hour with him felt so short and I wish I had more time. I decided to bring him to the park, where he first beat me up. At the time it seemed like the end of the world, like Clyde beating me up was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I thought having him in my life would be the worst thing imaginable, but it was quite the opposite. Clyde and I walked down the freshly cemented sidewalk and shared memories with each other. The whole time I was fighting to hold back tears. He was packing up and leaving with Drip, of all people?! I was so angry when he told me. I felt so betrayed. But once I told him I used to (even though I still kind of do. Who couldn't?) have a crush on him, I felt like a massive weight was lifted off my scrawny shoulders. He clasped my hands with his and told me that he was going to miss me a lot. He told me I'm his best friend. He even kissed my hand.
Everything feels numb now. Nothing is real to me at the moment. After I walked in the park with Clyde I didn't really know what to do with myself. I went home, dropped my backpack off on the couch, laid on the floor, and stared at the wall. I'm still staring right now.
"Sebastian, are you okay?" Snarky's voice perked up behind me. Tears were welling up in my eyes.
"No," was all I could choke out. Sharky squatted down next to me on the floor and rubbed my back. He wrapped his freckled, tanned arms around me as I shook with a muffled sob.
"He's our friend, Sharky! How could he do this to us?!" I screamed. Sharky was crying too, I think. We cried it out a little while longer, embracing each other the whole time. My eyes starting to get puffy and red, and I wiped my nose with a tissue.
"I don't wanna say goodbye," Sharky whispered into my chest. "Cause goodbye means forgetting, and I don't wanna forget." I looked over at him, and his usually lively blue eyes were now a shade of a stormy sky. I looked out the window, and the clouds were gloomy too.
"Why is everything so terrible?" I wondered aloud.
"I don't know." Was all Sharky could say. I rolled over and grabbed a cigarette box. I pulled two out and handed one to Sharky. I know he doesn't smoke, but I offered him one anyway. He took it. I lighted the two and looked up at the water damaged ceiling. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I took a long drag of my cigarette. Why did my best friend have to go away with a girl he doesn't belong with? Why is everyone so blind when it comes to love?
After Sharky and I finished our cigarettes we drove downtown. The sun was close to setting, and the storefronts were splotched with vibrant oranges, bright reds, and soft shades of yellows. I parked my truck in a random parking garage in town. Sharky and I went to every store we saw, like shopping would fill the empty holes in our hearts. Like something so temporary would replace something, or someone that was so electric and extraordinary. Only Clyde could fulfill that position. We didn't end up buying anything, just window shopping. There wasn't much conversation. All we did was pass the time trying not to think about what it'd be like with out Clyde.
We got back from window shopping, feeling a little less blue. I still lit up a cancer stick though. I'm immortal, what's really the harm of smoking? I unlocked the back door to my foster parent's house and saw my foster dad glaring at me.
"Some snowflake and his bitch are waiting at the door for you. Better get them off my porch." He growled.
Snowflake? Bitch? Who the hell could it possibly be? Sharky and I exchanged hesitant looks and bolted upstairs. I swung open the door to find Beij and..... a-and Clyde standing there. I could tell Beij was crying, her eye makeup was streaked all over her face like a circus clown just had a meltdown. Clyde had a twinkle in his eyes, which put me off a bit. Only for a second though. I threw myself into his arms as we stumbled onto my porch.
"What the hell were you doing?! Why are you here?!" I screeched insanely.
"Clyde!! Where's Drip?! What's going on?" Sharky screamed. We bombarded him with questions as he laughed it off, like he didn't just drive off into the sunset never to be seen again.
"Let's just say, I made a mistake. I've sorted out my priorities now." Clyde said this cooly.
"So you're coming back for good?" I asked in a hopeful tone.
He grabbed my hand, and dipped me like on Dancing With the Stars. His face was inches from mine. Fat raindrops started to fall upon our shoulders.
"You know it!" He grabbed Beij by the waist and Sharky by the wrist and squeezed us tight in a group hug.
"I love you guys!" Beij cried gleefully. I felt an immense amount of joy swell up in my chest. It was full on thunder storming now. I finally felt like I belonged.

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