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I looked at myself in a giant glass mirror. I wore a blue dress that flowed down to my knees. I sighed.
" I don't know.. I mean I feel like it's a little much?" I hesitated and poked my head from the red curtain. Me, Sebastian and Clyde were shopping for the big dance coming up.
Sebastian already had a outfit but wanted to come.
Clyde bought this suit. It was black with a dark purple tie.
I stepped out of my changing room.
Sebastian looked up from his phone, "Sorry it was Sharky, anyway yeah I would have to agree with you it is a little extra." Sebastian smiled trying not to hurt my feelings.
I smiled back and nodded.
"Should we look some more?" I asked.
"Sure! But I got to take this call I'll be here." Sebastian said pointing at his phone.
"I'll go with her, after all I am a great outfitter." Clyde smiled.
I laughed a rolled my eyes. "Yeah right."
We headed down the long dress section. Clyde pulled out a small tight dress with no back, "Try this one on! I mean who wouldn't want to see that!" Clyde joked and stuck his tongue out.
"Put that back!" I demanded and blushed, "we need to pick out a dress!" I smiled a bit saying it.
We searched longer, we had a few dresses picked out and it was going great. Till I saw Drip walk in.
"Shit." Clyde bit his lip looking at her.
I grew white, "Oh no, we have to leave." I whispered.
We were staring at her for a while till she turned her head to us. Before she could make us our Clyde pushed me into the closest.
It was a small closest and Clyde was pressing up against me.
Unfazed by the small space Clyde hissed "Out of all places she would come here! We have to call Sebastian!" He said shrugging to take out his phone.
My ears felt hot, I could barely see so I just held my hands back of the wall so I wouldn't accidentally grab Clyde.
"Um Clyde do you mind?" I whispered.
"Oh! Sorry!" Clyde blushed noticing how close he was, so he turned into a bat.
"Happy?" He said. "Wait! Sebastian picked up, Hi! Dude? Can you help us?" Clyde asked Sebastian over the phone.
In a matter of minutes Sebastian opened the closest door, "Drip is gone. Coast is clear." Sebastian smiled and rolled his eyes over our overreaction.
I practically fell out of the closest, "Thank god!" I sighed and stretched my back.
"Most girls are excited to get that close to me." Clyde winked and laughed.
Sebastian shoved him, "You need to find chill." And laughed.
I grabbed my purse and moved the hair out of my face, "Geez you guys lets just go home." I said.
And with that we all headed home.
If I had to be honest, I had a little hope that Clyde would ask me to the dance this time.
I looked at him, the cold turned his cheeks and nose red, and his black hair was messy.
I blushed and moved my hair out of my face.
As if.

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