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It's been about a month since the huge blow out and Clyde almost being expelled. I think I'll remember that forever. The faces when the headmaster told him he was expelled.
I was going to let him leave.
But something came across my mind.
Clyde has always been there. Even after the countless times he messed up. He truly wanted friendship and peace.
So I saved his ass.
He broke up with Wolfie ( and I heard she is with Snake )
Well he is hanging with our group more. He is still the "king" of the school. But he is better. Watching him change well.. Um... Cringe made me realize how attractive he is..?

Okay, no one can deny Clyde isn't violently attractive. Even I will cringe saying it but it's true. Anyway though, watching him be a genuine person made my heart rig a bit.
Clyde has always had a thing for me. But now it's more of a fun relationship. Believe it or not I flirted back sometimes.
My thoughts were broken by Clyde leaning his chair back to me.
"Hey, how do you think you did on the test?" He asked.
I smiled and stuck my tongue out, "Better than you did."
He smiled and stared putting away his backpack.
"Fair enough. Hey me and Sebastian and maybe Shakry might go to get some food tomorrow after school, you in nerd?" He said with a playful grin.
I shrugged and put on my peach colored sweater. "I'm helping a new girl around the school tomorrow, can't." I said kinda disappointed I couldn't  go.
Clyde leaned his face next to mine, "Fine, have fun." He winked and left. I blushed a bit as I watched him walk out of the room. Me and Clyde were actually falling in love, and I didn't want to stop it, damn it.
The next day I meet up with the girl. She had light blonde hair with light blue streaks in braids. Her eyes were big and sea green. She had a short lose light blue dress. She was beautiful. I kinda felt insecure in my normal outfit.
"Hey!! Are you Beji?!" She said happily.
I smiled and walked up to her,
"Yeah! Hey! Drip, right?" A said helping her with her new school stuff.
"That's my name! I'm so excited and nervous all at once! I just came from a school wayy by the Pacific Ocean! My parents wanted me to get used to salt water and really triggered my inner powers!  But we moved back!" She said looking around campus.
We started up the stairs,
"oh, that's the library. It's pretty great, we should meet there if you ever need help catching up." I said.
I noticed her hair bouncing up and down, it was so soft, I felt insecure about my hair up in a messy ponytail.
Just as we reached the long hallway Clyde walked out from the corner.
Before I could say anything Drip screamed and dropped her books.
I jumped up, scared of what she saw.
Clyde looked up from his book and dropped his book and screamed.
"Clyde??? Is that really you?" Drip screamed running towards him.
"Drip?? It can't be!!" He yelled and hugged her. She wasn't touching the ground anymore, Clyde embraced her and spun her around.
She was only about 5"2 and small. I stood still.
Drip let go and looked like she just meet Jesus himself.
"What is a nerd like you doing here!" Clyde said laughing still holding her hand.
"I just moved back! I didn't know you went here! Oh my god it's been so long! Are you still the freak I remember?!." She laughed and practically yelled out of excitement.
Drip and Clyde did a advanced hand shake and laughed. I was in shock.
Clyde looked over to me, "Oh sorry Beji you must be confused! I've known Drip for years! I guess you could say.." He glanced and her a laughed a bit. "I guess you could say we were nerdy high school best friends." He said happily.
She smiled at Clyde,
"I guess we weren't just friends.. Remember that one night with the garden?!" She said laughing.
Clyde died of laughter, "How could I forget!"
They hugged again.
I was frozen.
Something deep down hurt a lot.
I wasn't jealous.
I friend zoned Clyde. I never really like him.
It was all just a joke.
That's what I told myself.
I wanted to know more about there relationship, but I am scared it will hurt.


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