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I stood at the door of my mothers house. Fainting was a very open option.
Nothing seemed real. Everything was all becoming a blur.
I felt scared. Not even scared. Terrified.

Then I knocked.

We waited.

Then the door started to make sounds.

"Hel-" I woman about 30 wearing a t-shirt and jeans answered. Her hair was black. Her eyes just like mine. Ice blue.
I can't describe the face she gave me.
We stared at each other.
I couldn't speak. She was so beautiful. It was like I was 4.
"Clyde..?" She sputtered.
I felt a long warm tear rush down my face.
Before time could speak she jumped into my arms.
She was screaming and crying grasping my shirt.
I started letting it all go.
Weeks of thinking of her. Years of wanting her.
After a 10 minute hug she let go of me, still grabbing my arms she spoke, "How?"
"I found the letter. I'm sorry I'm late. I've-"
"I'm so sorry for letting you get taken away. I missed you so much..." she was overwhelmed with emotions.
"You remember me..?"
"I never went a day without thinking of you."
Suddenly my biggest fear was lifted.
I can't even describe what happened. It was crying and hugging. She let us in the house. It was really nice. Messy and artistic.
"You are so handsome.." she smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"You don't mind I'm a vampire?" I looked down.
"I don't care! I've missed you so much! Clyde.. I don't even know how to catch up.."
"I can stay for as long as I can. I brought friends with me so I don't know where they will stay.."
My mom seemed to just realize they were there.
"Oh! Who are you?"
Sebastian waved, "Clyde's friend."
Beij walked up and shook my moms hand, "Clyde's girlfriend."
My mom was dapping her tears away.
"Oh, yes. Oh course come in for some tea!"
"Well then after the boys home I decided to get a job and I worked so I could buy my own place..." I smiled and sipped my tea.
My mom was leaning on my shoulder, we were recalling old memories.
  Suddenly a little girl stepped in the room.
"Mommy?" She rubbed her eyes.
I shot up, mommy?
"Rose! Are you already up from your nap??" My mom walked over and picked her up.
She looked about 4, she had thick red hair with freckles across her face. Eyes like mine but a cold green.
"Who's that?" She asked pointing to me.
My mom looked at me, "Clyde this is your sister. I guess step sister. After your father left I was devastated about losing you I saw a therapist and met her father."
I stood up, "Oh, her name is Rose?"
Rose smiled and me and grabbed my pointing ears, "He's pretty!"
I smiled and mom let me hold her.
"Wow... I missed a lot.." I said looking down at Rose.
"Is this Clyde?" She smiled and looked at mom.
"What? She knows my name?" I felt my eyes water.
"Of course, I only have one picture of you but I told them all about you." She went over and grabbed a old framed picture with about 4 year old me sitting in a field with grey skies.
"I remember that..." I lightly set down Rose and walked to the frame.
It just finished raining and I wanted to explore, I found a field and I played there with my mom all day till it started raining again.
Beij went up to Rose and kneeled down, "Hi there! I'm Clyde's friend!" She smiled.
"Are you and Clyde married?! Do you have babies!?" Rose clapped her hands.
Sebastian snorted.
Beij laughed uncontrollably and moved her hair out of her face.
I guess I never thought about marriage.
"Rose's father should be home soon, I can't wait for you to meet him! He heard a lot about you!" Mom smiled.
"I can't wait to meet him." I sat down next to Rose.
"Are you a monster? You aren't very scary." Rose asked.
"Well, yeah. I'm a vampire."
"Oh. That's cool. I'm human."
"Oh really?" I smiled.
"Yeah, but my favorite animal is a bat. I can fly like one." She got up and started moving her arms around.
"Wow!! Impressive!! I can turn into a actual bat!"
"YOU CAN?!!" Rose jumped up and down, "DO IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!"
"Haha, it's kinda of hard.." I giggled.
A man that had red hair like Rose walked in.
Rose let go of my leg and ran to him.
"Hey pumpkin!" She smiled and lifted her up.
"DADDY THIS IS CLYDE!!" She pointed.
He shot his head up, "Clyde?"
"Hi, yeah. It's me."
I felt uncomfortable, like he was judging me. Well sorry your wife slept with a vampire! But then he ran up to me and gave me a hug.
" I've heard so much about you!"
I hugged him back,  I felt overwhelmed. But in a great way.
After dinner and talking I noticed Sebastian outside of the porch.
As much as I didn't want to leave my mom I realized I haven't really talked to him all day.
I stepped outside.
"Hey Sebastian!"
"Hey Clyde! Wow this is crazy...!"
I sat down.
"How's life?"
"I'm actually doing great. I'm overjoyed you found your mom."
"Same. Thanks for coming along."
"Cigarette?" He offered a box.
"Nah," I pushed it away.
"Really?! Why?"
"Promise not to tell?"
"Of course.." Sebastian said confused.
"I don't want to smoke when I'm a father. I want to have a family, for once I'm thinking about this seeing my mom. Like life's more than this."
"Oh, wait so that mean..?"
"I've been thinking of marrying Beij"
"Oh wow. I would go for it."
"I know." I smiled.
Just then Rose opened the screen door, "I found him!!"
"Haha!! You little munchkin!" I ran up and set her on my shoulders.
Then I noticed Beij watching me playing with her.
I joined my mom and Roger *roses dad* for desert and we talked the night away.


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