My First Road Trip: Part I

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"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so to have the life that is waiting for us."

- E.M Forester (English novelist, author of  A Passage to India)

     At school I slowly started avoiding Clyde for awhile.  I know it's a pretty lame thing to do, but I couldn't really help it. I knew about the letter, and I was just waiting for Clyde to bring it up. But right after the lunch bell rang I saw Clyde briskly walking towards me, and I knew what he was going to talk to me about. I gulped, prepared myself for what was about to happen, and smiled at him. Luckily, he had Beij by the hand, so I didn't have to face this alone.

     "Hey Seb," Clyde ran his fingers through his ink black hair. I loved the way he shortened my name, like it was our cool bro"thing." He smelled like poppy seed muffins and soap, and I had to stop my face from turning red at the sight of him. Dammit.

     "Oh....hey Clyde." I mumbled the words, looking down at the floor. Why all of a sudden was I acting all strange? Maybe it's because I haven't really talked to him in a while. Yeah right.

     "Do you have time to talk with me about something? I have to talk to Beij about it too so you don't have to feel so put-on-the-spot." His long fingers fidgeted with his jacket zipper, and they were shaking a little. Was this about more than the letter? I answered yes and he led us down the hallway to the school garden. It was a nice day outside, and spring had finally come. The sun was a bright cheery orb, tanning the skin of students reading under oak trees and studying in the grass. I shaded my eyes from the bright rays, smiling because all the snow had melted.

       "Okay, this is going to be a big shocker for you guys.." He tucked a stray hair behind his ear.

      "My birth mom is alive.. The new owner for the boys home I stayed at said he found a letter from her dating back only a year ago." Clyde looked at us hopefully. Beij had a shocked expression on her face, and she clapped her hand to her mouth like she was going to vomit or cry. I would prefer her to not do any of those. I knew this was coming, but it seemed like Clyde was going to tell us something. I could feel my eyes beginning to grow as wide as dinner plates, waiting for the bomb he just about to drop on us.

     "Well, my mom is in New England.....I know it sounds crazy but I want you guys to come with me." His voice sort of had a pleading urgency to it, like he was begging us. I looked at Beij, who sprung up and embraced him. For some reason the first thought that popped in my mind was "I wish I could hug Clyde like that." What in the hell is going on with me today?!

    "I'm really happy for you," was all I could say without shrieking. I get to go on a road trip! With my friends! I was already planning in my head what I would bring, and how I would convince my parents to let me go. But then I realized something. I know there isn't a "monster neighborhood," like there is here in New England. Would that mean we would have to venture out into the human world? Now my  hands were fidgeting with excitement.

    "We can meet at my apartment to discuss details," Clyde answered my thoughts. I hope this works out, I pleaded in my mind.

     The rest of the school day was a blur. The only things I could think about was the fact that I can get out of this school, this town. For some reason I told Calypso, my old math tutor who now sits next to me in biology. Lately I have been talking to her more often, which I like a lot. She thought it was pretty awesome, and I'm planning to bring her back a souvenir. Maybe a snow globe? A t-shirt?

    I rushed home on my bike, feeling the springtime breeze ruffle my hair and surround me with the fresh smell of a new season. I smiled the whole time I was riding back to my house. I parked my bike on the side of the building, locked it, and went upstairs. The bookstore closed early because of the good weather, so both of my parents were home. I kicked off my sneakers in the foyer and cried "hello!" in a sing-song voice.

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