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I sat in my room silently staring at the wall. It was 4 minutes until my alarm clock would go off and I would have to walk to my school. I didn't feel like going because I knew what people were saying about me. I knew the truth behind Clyde.

I can completely tell that Clyde likes me. It's easy, it's obvious. But he doesn't show it. I know he's sweet to me, but when people bring me up around him he acts as if I am just a blade of boring dead grass. He has a soft spot that I don't think anyone knows of. Not even himself.

As my clock went off, I slowly gathered enough energy and confidence to pull myself out of bed. I slowly got up as if I were a melting snowman and grabbed the clothes I laid out and went to get myself ready.

As I left the house, a gleam of sunlight hit my face. I turned my head to the side so my eyes wouldn't get exposed too soon. My eyes directed toward the pretty green earthy plants this space has provided.

Usual schedule, as always. Walk up the path to school. Everyone stares. Go through the door, everyone inside goes silent. Go to my locker and people walk away like a group of small crabs just stumbled their way into a public high school. I grabbed my books out of my locker and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror attached to the back of my locker. I was wearing Clyde's necklace he gave me. I slowly put my books down in the small space left in my locker and unpinned the back. I stuffed the necklace in my backpack. I turned around and Clyde was right there in my face. Like I saw my life flash before me.
"What are you doing with the necklace?" He asked
"Oh I was just taking it off. I have gym class pretty soon and I didn't wanna lose it.." I buffed. I felt no sorrow.
"'re wearing that to gym class?" As he scanned my clothes.
"Um no..I'm gonna change before." Once again. I buffed.
"But if you're gonna change, why wouldn't you just take the necklace off when you're changing?" He said with a slight crack in his voice.
This is where I lose it. I mean why is he so attached to my necklace? What the fuck?
"Clyde listen. I know what you say behind my back. I feel like I can't appreciate someone who I was starting to trust thoroughly. I can't believe you" I let out a soft sigh as I closed my locker. I looked him straight in the eye as I walked away but I was stopped by his words:
"How do you know?" He asked desperately.
"Your girlfriend." That part was honestly.
"What? How the fuck did she-what??"
"The night you gave me the necklace, at 11 pm she contacted me over Twitter telling me the things you said about me at some alley way fight you had."
"I can't believe that...that bitch. She's the fucking problem!"
"No Clyde. You're the problem. You don't say shit like that in public when there are people around."
"So what if I say things about you! Almost this whole school talks about you!"
"The thing is, I actually TRUSTED you. I thought you and I were actually starting to be friends. I can't be friends with someone who-" I was interrupted.
"What's going on.." I heard an unsteady voice lingering behind me. 
"Sebastion, get the fuck out of here." Clyde mumbled.
"No I'm not. Beij come on. You don't need this shit." Sebastion said confidently.
"No Beij. We need to settle this. We need to talk this out." Clyde responded with a tone of anger.

This is where I have to chose.


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