Ignoring The Obvious

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Forgiveness does not change the past , but it does enlarge the future.

-Paul Boese, Kansas writer and businessman

     I guess to enlarge your future, the only thing to do is forgive. You have to forgive and let go to move on. I think that's what Beij did to Clyde. Clyde was acting really strange today, eyeing every girl that passed him in the hall like she was his next big meal. He kept licking his lips and making this weirdly seductive look. It was kind of turning me on, to be honest. Okay okay, yes I just said that. I've always kind of had this little crush on him, since like the starting of freshmen year. But I don't love him, just for the record. I love Sharky, and Sharky loves me. Anyway, back to my point. In history today we were talking about World War II, and how the axis powers were fighting the allied powers. I knew all about Hitler, I have even seen him in person. But today was different. Today we were talking about the vampires and the humans. See, the humans realized by the 1800's that there were in fact vampires, witches, all that jazz. Knowing that "monsters" were roaming the streets didn't sit well with some people, so witches were being burned at stake, and people were stringing cloves of garlic in their door frames. It was some pretty nasty stuff you could say. So, the vampires didn't like what was happening, so they started revolting and rioting. They were being drafted into the war by thousands and thousands. Whole towns were being sucked dry of their blood and left to die in the streets. But obviously no one could know what was going on at the time, so the humans just blamed it on  sickness or other war tragedies.

     After history, I went to the drinking fountain because my throat kind of hurt. Winter was upon us, and I always seem to get sick around Christmas. Or Sharky just got me sick. The drinking fountain was conveniently outside of the history classroom, so I just left my textbooks on my desk to retrieve after my drink. I pushed the little button to turn the water on, and let the cool, refreshing stream of water into my parched mouth. Clyde and Beij were still in the classroom, and I could hear someone being pushed against the wall or desk. I had a feeling I knew what they were doing. I awkwardly waited for them to leave, so I could get my textbooks for my next class. I didn't really feeling like walking in on them. I waited a couple minutes, then I saw Beij briskly walk out the room, walking too quickly for me to see her face. Her eyes were glued to the floor, so she didn't notice me. Then I saw Clyde stumble out the door, putting his arm on the door frame to steady himself. His face was pink and rosy, like he just got done with a quick run. He was kind of breathing heavily too. He looked at my figure, gave me that alluring look, bared his blood-coated fangs, smirked at me, and ran off. I didn't notice I was holding my breath until he was around the corner. My cheeks were warm, and I knew I was blushing. I wish Clyde would stop acting like this, he's making me feel strange. I walked into the empty classroom and picked up my textbooks. I quickly looked at the digital clock on the teacher's desk. I did a double take. Sharky's apple that I saw him put on the desk was now charcoal black, and black sludge was oozing out of where what looked like a bite mark was. I stepped closer. I carefully looked around where the apple was sitting. I spotted a few drops of blood on Beij's desk. I let out a small gasp, and hastily left the room.

     After school, Beij asked Sharky, Clyde and I to shop for dresses with her. I already picked out my suit, but I agreed anyway. I never have really been in a dress shop, so this was going to be fun. I parked my cherry-red pickup truck in the parking lot, and walked through the door. My vision was bombarded by frills, ruffles, and bright colors. Racks and racks of dresses were set up all around the shop, and I searched through them until I finally found Sharky and Clyde. There were sprawled over two velvet couches, trying to hum in unison.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them. 

"Sup man, do you like our sweet beat-boxing skills? Beij doesn't appreciate our musical talent, but she has no clue what she's talking about." Clyde said coolly. Why was he acting so comfortable? I know he did something to Beij, and that apple back in that history classroom. I couldn't respond to his comment because just then Beij burst out of a dressing room curtain. She spun around, and her dress frilled up around her tan legs. Her matching high heels made clacking sounds on the hardwood floors. The dress was reached just above her knee, and had sparkles all over it.

"You look like a disco ball!" Sharky exclaimed. Beij looked down at herself, and made a repulsed facial expression.

"I'll never find the right dress! None of these are me." Hopelessly, she slumped herself onto one of the couches, crossing her legs over Clyde's. Clyde took off one of her 6 inch heels, and squeezed it onto his foot. He wiggled his toes, and took Beij's other shoe and did the same. Somehow the shoes fit him. I think alien shoe sizes are different. He got up, and posed like some supermodel. He gave us a sultry look, and sauntered around the couches, acting like he was the new Miss Universe. His figure came up behind me, and he leaned his face closely to mine. He whispered "Do I look pretty?" into my ear. His thin fingers brushed my chin, and a grin formed on his face. Sharky was doubled over with laughter, but I stood in shock. I felt all weird and tingly, but I shook it off. I laughed too, and tried not to act nervous. Why did he have to act so odd? And why was I kind of liking it?


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