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It should have snowed
But it rained
And because it rained
We all fell.

It was now almost a week I've been alone. Not alone like no one was around me but alone as in a deep almost burning sadness. After the first day I knew Sebastian sent that message to Beji. Goddamn it wasn't fair.
I wore a black hoodie covering my face and jeans everyday because I still had lost my vampire in me.
No one could see who I was.

This was my worst fear.

People seeing who I was. People seeing my eyes. Seeing the pain.

I looked in my mirror in my empty apartment. I looked at my face, tan with freckles, still clear whitish blue eyes. My hair was dark brown, you could almost make out gold streaks. I cringed, it was a reminder I was miserable.
I went to put my contacts in, I was really tired and I accidentally pressed against my bare eye.
"Damn it!" I yelled and grabbed my eyes.
Down went my contact lenses. Shit.
"No, no, no holy shit no." I said grabbing around the sink.
My lenses were gone. If I never mentioned I'm basically blind without my glasses or contacts.
After getting my eye together I took a deep realization I would have to wear my big ass Harry Potter glasses to school.
You know what? I'm already dead inside what can I do?
So I lowered my hoodie were no one could make out glasses or my skin and headed out the door.
On my way to school I noticed a boy standing by the bus stop, about 15 years old that looked a lot like Beji.
I don't know why but I tapped his shoulder.
He jerked his head around.
"Um, are you related to Beji or do you know her?" I asked.
He raised a eyebrow, "Yeah. We are siblings, and who are you..? Oh wait. You are  Clyde are you?" He said looking bored as fuck.
I looked up, "Yeah? Why? You know me?"
He shrugged and laughed to himself, "I read her diary, she says you are a asshole and hates you." He said, I slumped. "But don't worry man, she thinks you have a hot ass. Read it to myself." He said still laughing to himself.
I blinked. Speechless.
"Anyway, she still hates you. I'm leaving now. Bye." He said getting on the bus.

Today was raining and cloudy. Loneliness felt powerful. Sebastian and Sharky looked miserable. Beji just stared off looking dead.
I didn't want to socialize with anyone. I sat alone for lunch, outside next to the brick wall. I couldn't risk anyone seeing me. Beji sat alone, she hasn't really spoken. Her eyes look tired. I'm so sorry you had to come here.
I'm sorry you had to come here.
That sentence kept repeating in my mind. Someone had to apologize.
I was that someone.
I marched up to her, she saw me and looked away.
"Hey, I just wanted to say I was sorry you came to earth." I said expecting to just say that, but I continued, "The second I saw you in the hall way I felt history. When we kissed I felt everything in me move. But no matter how much I want to be your friend I don't deserve you. Please don't forgive me for how I treated you. I just- I am a messed up person. Don't forgive me. Just know I am sorry." I said, looking down.
She didn't say anything just looked away sad.
I shrugged sad and walked back.
Before I could sit down someone grabbed my hoodie and pulled me back.
I struggled back, turned around and-
Oh god no.
Please if you are up there don't let it be fucking him.
I stood facing my past bully, the one I punched so many years ago. He was stretching to 6"7, he had bold shoulders. He is close relative to medusa, but his hair was green dread locks. Any moment he could turn them into snakes.
His long tongue slithered out has he had a long grin.
"Hey, if it isn't Clyde, just the way I remember you, still got those pathetic glasses? Remember this?" He moved his jaw to show the mark I left years ago.
A bunch of people noticed me, people were confused why the most popular guy was about about the get beat up, and why he had glasses, a crowd formed.
"A little birdy told me about your state right now, not the king anymore huh?" He pulled my shirt so my feet were not longer touching the ground, I saw Wolfie wave and smile. Fucker.
By now everyone was crowding, including Beji, Sebastian and Sharky.
"You thought you could fucking beat me! You and your patience attitude! I heard you slept with the new alien freak!" He yelled pulling me closer and biting his jaw. I heard a few people laugh.
"That's not true!" I demanded.
He glared and shoved me to the ground, "Shut up! Don't talk back!" He yelled and jumped in for a punch.
Just before things got violent the headmaster burst through the crowd.
"What is going on????" She yelled.
"He told me he was going to beat me up!" Yelled Snake.
Before I could talk the headmaster glared at me, "Clyde that's it! I'm so sick of your behavior! You know what! I'm so through! You are expelled!" She screamed.

Silence hit the crowd, I saw sorrow form on Beji's face.
"Fine." I was to weak to fight.
"Wait!" A small voice hesitated. It was Beji. "Give him another chance. Please." She said looking straight at the headmaster.
"Who are you to choose this?"
Beji looked down shyly.
"We are." Sebastian and Sharky said walking next to her.
The headmaster glared, "Fine. But I'm watching you. Clyde."
Sebastian ran up to me and hugged me. I felt warm. Sharky joined the hug.
"Tha-thank you guy.." I said almost crying.
I saw Beji, and she stepped up to me, "I said I would never forgive you." She said angrily. "And I never break a promise." I looked down. "But, I accept your apology. You screw up. You look like a fucking geek in those glasses by the way." She said with a grin and walked away.

Today did turn out good. It's not going to be perfect after this but, it is better.


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