The Debate

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"I don't know man.. I think Clyde is going to hook up with Wolfie again." Ciy stated.
A voice yelled,
"Nah! He's gay for that demon!"
And yet another,
"He is not going this year!"
"I'm right here guys." I laughed and rolled my eyes.
Ciy was a Cyclops, he always was a pretty bold speaker, so I wasn't surprised when he brought up who I would hook up with for the dance. Everyone was in a full debate about who Clyde was taking to the dance. They had no idea, I've had probably 3 girlfriends this year. And frankly I didn't know either. I was so in love with Drip, but she was off.
I was in love with Beji but after countless hints and flirts she keep backing out of a relationship.
I licked my fangs and looked down the hallway, I hate to say it but I was looking for Beji. I don't know why, I just felt happy seeing her face. And god, I hate it so much wanting her so much.
Sebastian and Sharky came up behind me,
"Hey man!" Sebastian smiled.
"It's Clyde!!!" Sharky clapped his hands.
I let a warm grin,
"Hey guys, Sebastian, Sharky, how do you fine gentlemen do today?" I smiled.
Sebastian grabbed Sharky's hand,
"Debating if we should go to the dance." Sebastian grinned.
I felt a rush of nervousness, "Wait, you guys might not go? I need someone to hang out with if I can't get a date!" I begged nervously.
"Clyde, you are the hottest guy here, just ask some random chick out!" Sharky pipped in.
"Uh.. yeah. I mean.. I thought you were going with Drip." Sebastian said nervously.
" That chick is crazy tho-"
"Hey Clyde." Smiled Drip.
"AH!" I screamed, "How'd you get behind me without me noticing?" I almost yelled.
She struggled, "I don't know. Hey who are you going to the dance with?"
Sebastian and Sharky looked at each other nervously.
I backed away from her and glanced down the empty hallways, "Uhh.. no one at the moment I was thinking I would chill with Sebastian and Sharky." I admitted nervously.
"Well, perfect. Ill go with you!" She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Wait.. um..!" I backed away.
"You better not be thinking about taking Beji! She told me she hated you! She is going with some other people!" Drip snorted.
Sebastian whispers in my ear, "That's probably a lie man.." but I ignored him.
"Whatever. Fine, pick you up at 8." I shrugged.
Later at class Beji looked nice, she still sat next to me, I got to glance at her a lot, I noticed she was wearing makeup today.
"Can you believe she wants us to remember all this shit?" I whispered to Beji.
"I know! Even for me it's hard!" She said shaking her head.
"Hey, what are you doing for the dance?" Beji randomly spilled out.
Oh no.
"Going with Drip I guess." I mumbled.
"Oh." She smiled and got up, "I got to go to something."
"Oh.. um.? You okay?" I asked nervously.
"Yeah, totally- isn't like a had a chance." She mumbled.
"Nothing. Cool, im going with Sharky and Sebastian." She sighed and started packing her bag.
"Oh." I whisper.


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