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A sigh of relief fell over me as I walked to the school with my hands wrapped in bloody bandages. My mom took it surprisingly well and she contacted the school headmaster to call me in. But what I didn't know is that he invited Drip along and Clyde.
I told my mom everything. How I was feeling about my friends. Well.."friends" and everything that Drip said to me. She didn't know Drips parents so she just called the headmaster to call me in for a talk.
The first thing I did when I walked into the school was put my books in my locker. I saw Clyde walk in. I turned my head and he gave me a straight face as he walked past. He turned around and looked at me.
"You're wearing a short sleeve shirt." He said
"No shit Sherlock." I replied.
He grinned and walked on. Until the loudspeaker came on.
"Hello pupils. I would like to call Clyde, Drip, and Beij to the office please. Clyde, Drip, and Beij. Continue."
All throughout the speakers. Clyde and I both looked at each other, and I pretended to be confused but on the inside I was truly confused. Why were Drip and Clyde coming?

I slowly walked to his office. We were ordered to call him headmaster. His office was blocked off and soundproof. Uh oh. We all walked in a line to get there. Clyde sped up to me and Drip pulled his hood back. I laughed in anger in my head but stayed calm. When we got to the office there was three chairs with pads around a noodle shaped table. Like a rainbow.
"Please take a seat." He said in a serious voice.
We all sat. Clyde sat between us. Should've known. Multiple reasons why he did that.
"So," he cleared his voice "I was contacted by someone," he tapped his papers "telling me that there was some conflict between you three. Especially Beij."
Drip turned a pale blue as she slouched in her chair. Head master folded his hands and laid them on the table.
"I heard there was some harassment in the hallway and physical harm outside. I will not tolerate bullying-" he was interrupted
"Sir, I have no right to be here. I've done bothering wrong" Drip said
I wanted to get up and punch her.
"Well miss, the person who contacted me, whom was Beij's mother" Busted. "Told me that you said some nasty things in the hallway to Beij which caused her to cut her palms"
She jerked out of the chair as it rubbed the floor.
"YOU LYING BI-" she was interrupted.
"HEY! Sit down." Headmaster snapped. "I can't believe this behavior out of you Drip."
Clyde sat silent.
"Clyde, Beij's mom told me that you were the one that witnessed it. Right." He asked
"Um.. Yeah. I witnessed her cutting her palms and I helped her. She didn't tell me why though." He said
"Exactly. It wasn't me. Can I leave please?" Drip asked.
"Nope. We will look at the camera footage first."
Hell yea.
He pulled up the video in scramble black and white. We watched as drip approached me. Then came the slap and Drips mouth laid open. Then came the push into the locker and then me storming out.
"Drip." Headmaster said quietly as he rewinded "You know you did this." He said as the tape played again and again. Her eyes latched to the screen.
"You two may leave. I have to have a talk with Drip."
My palms were sweaty. Clyde and I exited. He has a cold sweat.
As we walked in silent he blurted
"She's been so nice." He said.
I had to be a good person.
"She just is violent towards me. That's no excuse that she isn't nice. She just doesn't like aliens in specifics."
"What else did she say to you?" He asked.
".....nothing" I turned away.
"Beij you need to tell me" he cried.
As we walked down the hallway I slipped away into another hallway running away. I didn't want to break his heart.


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