The dance

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I let hot water run down my face. Steam filled the shower room.
"Clyde hurry up its going to start soon!" Sebastian said annoyed.
The big school play try outs were our next period. We just had gym and no one wanted to go in there smelling like a pig.
I had to wait outside the first 15 minutes because none of the guys wanted Sebastian in the shower room because he was dating a guy. I didn't want to leave him just like that so I waited till everyone was gone.
"Relax, I just want to smell good." I said.
I heard Sebastian lean against the wall boarding the shower and him.
"Well I actually want to do good this year, I want to be the prince." Sebastian said trying to hurry me up.
"You want to be the prince? Same actually, I mean Prince Charming? Right up my alley." I joked.
Sebastian said something but I couldn't hear him over the running water.
"Yeah that's great, um can you hand me a towel?" I asked peeping my head through the curtain.
Sebastian grabbed the closest towel and handed it to me.
"There princess your hour long shower is over." Sebastian joked and rolled his eyes then looked down and sighed. Totally unexpected.
"What's wrong?" I asked drying my hair.
"Huh? What? Geez you picked that up fast, it's just-" Sebastian said nervously, "You are probably going to get the prince, I mean.. I can't even dance." Sebastian shrugged. He put his hands in his sweat pants ( which was the only thing he had on )
" Wait..? You can't dance, ha. You are like a zillion years old and still can't dance..?" I asked almost laughing at him.
He looked down and grabbed his shampoo bottle.
I frowned.
"Here, I'm the teacher now." I said stepping out of the shower with my towel on.
Sebastian turned towards me and his face turned red.
"What?" He spit out.
I wrapped my hands around his, and pulled him closer, his hands were shaking and his face was bright red.
"Clyde what are you doing?" He asked looking away from me.
"Teaching you how to dance." I said smiling.
I stepped back and pulled him with me.
"It's about your feet. Follow my steps.." I said moving slowly with our hands tied.
I wanted him to get the part. I really did. He deserved it. Even if it meant this.
"Now step back.. Forward.. To the right.." I said directing him.
"Couldn't you put something on first?!" Sebastian said blushing.
"Nope. No time." I said casually.
"Wow you are really getting the hang out this!" I said looking him in the eyes.
He looked me In the eyes. He didn't say anything, I flushed all of a sudden and let go of him.
"Lesson over." I said grabbing my jeans.
He looked over and me and blushed, he looked almost as if he felt guilty.
"What?" I grinned trying to ignore the awkwardness forming.
"Thanks." He said stepping in the shower, "Hey, I bet I could beat you in the part." He joked.
I laughed, "You know it!"
After we got out of the shower room Sebastian seemed nervous.
"Hey," I said putting my hand on his shoulder, "You'll do great." I smiled.
He smiled a bit then hesitated, "It's not that, it's.." He turned bright red and grabbed his backpack, "Its just..I.." He shut his eyes, "I- i.. I JUST SAW WHAT YOU DID TO THE APPLE! Yeah.. Ha! That is what I was going to say.. The apple..!" He spit out.
I blinked.
"Oh? Yeah, I was just being a jerk to Beji. She's been moody lately. She's scared of me now so that great." I shrugged.
"It is some pretty intense stuff.." Sebastian sighed.
It was silent.
"Hey. It's starting! Good luck trying out! You'll do great." I smiled and stuck out my tongue.
Sebastian put on a brave smile, "Okay! I'm ready! And good luck to you!" He sighed and smiled.
"And remember our training!" I called out to Sebastian as he walked toward the stage.
"How could I forget it?" He laughed.


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