Goodbye Clyde

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Vampires age slowly.
5 years every 1 year for a regular human.
21 years at this school.
The day I stepped into this school, broken, lost, fat, awkward. After my mom was murdered I ran away. I got adopted into a abusive boys care. I was in a bad state, I over ate, I didn't talk to anyone.
I was on suicide  watch.
  Then they sent me to this school. I remember I took one step in and felt warm. It's not a perfect school. Yeah, people get bullied, the cooks aren't good, the teachers hate most of the kids but this was my home. I didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay at school. Even when I was bullied, at least I was getting bullied by 2 guys and not all my room mates back at the dorms.
Years past and you know the story. I turned popular. And hell yeah I was happy. But I've never been this happy at school. I had legit friends. Few, but they were special to me.
But everything is ending today.
I put on my big glasses today, when I first turned popular I promised myself I would wear them to school one day. And I had one last opportunity.
I entered the school buildings and Sebastian, Sharky and Drip had balloons.
"Hey Clyde!" Drip beamed, "You ready for this??"
I felt a lump in my throat but I pushed it back.
"We each planned to get a hour with you!" Sharky clapped his hands, "It was Sebastian's idea!"
Sebastian awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets, he seemed off.
"Wow guys this is amazing... I can't believe you guys set this all up for me.." I choked.
"Beji will be here soon! She said her car broke down." Sharky added sadly.
"Oh.." I mumbled. I shook my head, "Anyway, so I get a hour with one of you? Who's first?"
Sharky raised his hand embarrassed, "Mee"
I smiled. I guess I needed the joy of Sharky.
"Come on a have a surprise!" Sharky beamed.
Sharky lead me out to the car, it was a old ice cream station.
My eyes got big, I felt a tear almost escape.
"Holy shit isn't this-"
"The place we first met!" Sharky smiled, "Remember? I when up to you and I told you you had a very beautiful face."
I laughed, "Yeah, I remember."
We sat down on a park bench, Sharky handed me a ice cream cone.
"Sucks you are leaving." He sighed.
"Yeah.. I'm going to miss you a lot. Hey um.." I awkwardly looked at him, "I don't know if I ever really apologized to you, like how I treated you. I was a asshole. You deserve better than me."
Sharky smiled, "Water under the bridge."
I swung my arms around him, "No seriously, I really like you. I was just being a asshole."
Sharky hugged me back, "Sebastian was right about you. The day after you guys talked in history class he told me how you were not so shallow as you seemed. He really liked you even when you were mean." He whispered.
I smiled at him.
Then Sebastian's car pulled up.
"Oh! Our hour is done!" Sharky said.
"Oh..." I sighed, it went by so fast.
I got into Sebastian's car.
"Hey, Sebastian thanks for all this." I smiled.
He shrugged, "Its the least I could do."
We drove up to a old park.
Oh no.
Sebastian looked at me and grinned. "Remember this place?"
"Noooo" I said covering my head with my hoodie.
It was the place I once beat up Sebastian after he told me he could read my eyes.
We got out, he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Wanna walk?"
"Of course."
"I can't believe this is actually happening.." Sebastian sighed.
"I know right? It's going to be hard." I sighed.
Sebastian sat down on a bench.
"Hah, remember this is when you saw me with my "kickass Satan powers" He said quoting me.
I laughed. "Yeah, at that moment I knew you were much more than that guy in the corner."
"Haha yeah, I remember you looked really hot that n- ohmygod- holy shit!" Sebastian covered his mouth. "I'm so sorry! I-"
His face was burning red.
I laughed, "Wait? Sebastian? Did you have a crush on me?"
He slumped back, "KINDA!  I MEAN ITS REALLY AWKWARD!" He yelled laughing.
I started laughing, "No it's totally cool! It's just- I must have messed with your brain a lot- I mean I danced with you!"
"YEAH WITH ONLY A TOWEL ON!" He yelled and laughed.
I smiled, "I won't tell Sharky."
Then I turned around and noticed a long tear drop fall off Sebastian's face.
"Hey, are you okay..?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.
Then several long tears dripped down his face.
"No.. I don't want you to leave.. I'll miss you a lot." He cried.
Then I felt the lump in my throat burst out. I started crying.
"Hey.. it's okay. Ill be back to visit.."
Sebastian hugged me hard, I felt his fingers clutching my back.
I hugged him back.
We hugged and then suddenly his watch when off.
"Oh, our time is over." Sebastian sighed.
"Hey, it's okay. Ill see you again, plus we get to drive to the school together.
He smiled.
I kissed his hand.
"Sir, it's been a pleasure getting to know you." I smiled.
His face turned red and he burst out laughing.
"Clyde you are my best friend. Ill miss you so much."
When we got back at school Drip was standing by the door.
I looked around for Beji.
She wasn't here.
"Ready to go?" Drip smiled.
I took a deep breath, "Yeah."
We loaded the car, I looked at the school one last time.
Then I noticed a broken down car, speed up the school doors.
Beji bursted out of the car doors, "PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I MISSED HIM!" She yelled.
"Ohmygod STOP THE CAR!" I yelled at Drip.
"WHATTHEFUCKCLYDE?!" She braked the car.
I jumped out the doors.
The wind blew in my face, "Beji!"
Beji's big eyes turned to me, tears streamed down her face. "Clyde!!"
We ran up and hugged. I felt her sweater against my arms.
She was breathing heavy, her wet tears ran down her face.
"I thought I missed you.. I thought I'd never see you again." Beji cried.
I cried at the idea of never seeing her again.
"Ill miss you so much." I cried running my hand through her hair.
She gave me a old piece of paper.
"Don't open it till you arrive.." I wiped her tears.
I nodded. "I promise."
I let go of her hand, my fingers feel off hers, my heart sank.


- H

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