Shower of kisses

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I was invited to go see Sebs new house. Clyde and I drove together. It was a week after he had come back and we couldn't stop smiling at each other. Every time I saw his fangs flash and his mouth corners tilt upward I was flushed with joy because I had the one thing I've always wanted: my own Clyde.

As we drove, the idiot in front of us kept jerking his car forward. It wasn't that bad until we almost rear ended his car. Clyde forced his harm over my collarbone to keep me from face planting into the glove box. He seemed very possessive of me and I appreciated that. We didn't say anything in the car, well I didn't, Clyde continued to curse to himself forwarded to the person in front of us as I looked at the scenery out the window. As he pulled into the drive way of the huge grey colored house with octagonal Windows I slammed his car door because I was filled with joy to see his new parents for the first time. As Clyde clicked the lock button on his car keys he thrusted his arm around my shoulders and we walked up the cobblestone path. He rang the doorbell and tapped his foot. I looked down and read the welcome mat. I could understand what it meant.
"What does that say" Clyde scoffed.
"It says welcome, Clyde" I replied
"How do you know?" He scoffed once again.
"Because it's written in alien, my language, Clyde."
"Stop acting like I know everything" he said in a sarcastic stupid voice.
The door slowly creaked open as Clyde moved his arm off my shoulders. 
"Greetings..." A deep voice from inside filled my ears. I couldn't see what they looked like because the door was open a few inches. Clyde threw it open with force. A 6 foot ghostly pale man was standing at least 3 feet away from us. He was wearing the usual "dad clothes." A female figure that looked identical to the dad walked over with oven mittens and a batch of brownies on a silver tray, with a spotted apron on.
"Oh hi!" The mother said
"Uh, hello" I smiled. They seem like great parents
"We were expecting yo-" he paused in his sentence to cough "we were expecting you!" His voice lightened. "You can uh... Come in you know."
Clyde swifted his hands, directing me to go first. Wossie.
"I'm Clyde. Really good friends with Sebastion. And this is my friend, Beij. Also friends with Sebastion. And Sharky."
Did I just get fucking friend zoned
I grinned
"Hi!" I did a small wave.
"Oh right! They're downstairs. To the left!" The mom said.
Clyde and I headed to an upstairs room. A raspberry pink light from the basement gave the staircase a gradient. As we reached the final step, we gazed the room as blushing pink lights tangled the walls flickered. Pillows were everywhere. There was a huge tv, Sebs old couch and their beds.
"Jesus my eyes" Clyde shunned himself.
"Hi guys!! Clyde you came oh my god!!" Sharky jumped onto a pillow like a playful pug.
Minutes later we all were sitting on pillows playing uno as Sebs mom, Nancy came down and gave us news
"Okay kiddos, there's going to be a really bad snow storm tonight. They say no one can be on the streets." Clyde and I looked at each other in shock. "Don't worry, we have phone chargers and everything but if the power goes out let us know and we will light all the candles. The signal may go out soon so call your parents" she pointed at us.
Minutes later I called my mom and she said as long as I'm safe I'm fine staying here. Suddenly the power went out and Sharky screeched. Sebastian's dad came down and filled the room with candles. We could finally see. As he left the room, Sharky's brain filled I wth ideas on what to do.
"We should play truth or dare!!" He blurted as his first idea
"Um I agree to that, I like seeing Sebastion do scandalous stuff" Clyde winked as Seb started to sweat
".....are you gay?" I asked extremely confused.
All of them bursted out laughing as I had a confused grin on my face.
"Haha, no. You're the only one I love" he patted my thigh. I started to tingle and a small smile formed on my face. Sebastian's smile became a frown.
"Okay!" Sharky clapped his hands "truth or dare it is! Beij, truth or dare?" He asked me

Truth is for losers.

"Truth." I asked. Clyde giggled
"Truth? That's for losers." He said
"Exactly." I gave him a serious stare as I looked back at Sharky. Clyde gulped
"I'm sorry..." He said. I leaned over.
"It's okay." I whispered in his ear. I could hear his heart racing.
"Ummm it true you were jealous of Drip??" Sharky asked. I gave him a serious face.
"Yes. Final answer."
Clyde fiddled with his fingers nervously.
"Ok well. Your turn I guess." Sharky said as he shivered.
"Sebastian, truth or dare?" I asked. I knew what his answer would be.
"Dare!" He said in a devious voice.
Called it
"I dare you to kiss Sharky. For 10 seconds" my mind raced as Sharky's face turned eggshell white. Sebastian stated to shake.
"Um......ok." He laughed nervously. He looked toward Sharky and did another nervous laugh as they both gulped. Sharky shrugged and smiled. I could read Sebastian's mind.
Seb leaned in for a kiss as Clyde held his breath. He laced his fingers with mine and squeezed gently and he mouthed the numbers.
"OKAY YOU CAN STOP" Clyde yelled

They didn't.

They held it for at least 16 seconds. Clyde and I looked at each other and wheezed in laughter. Finally they unlocked lips and Sharky wiped his mouth. They acted like nothing happened.
"Clyde! Truth or dare" Sebastian said calmly.
"Dare, obviously."
"MAKE OUT WITH BEIJ" he screeched.
Fucking hell. My heart raced. I had to act calm. I slowly moved my head to focus on him and he leaned in and locked lips with me. It was a slow kiss. He had smooth lips and they tasted like roses. The kiss lasted at least 17 seconds, on and off.
"Wow.." Clyde said as his eyes gleamed into mine, with a big grin on his face
I smiled at him. He was still holding my hand. It was sweaty.


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