The Upstairs Light

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Try to remember important things

That's a pretty obvious statement, but when you have so much on your mind, it's hard to focus. Before I left the party, Beij came over to me. I didn't really know what to expect. After I rescued that deer girl from those seniors, I was pretty shaken up. I remember Clyde yelling at me when I walked in on him and his girlfriend. I also remember locking the bathroom door and crying. I'm glad no one saw me cry. Apparently crying is weak, especially for demons. Anyway, Beij appeared in front of me at the party, and she was stunning. It looked like she was wearing a sort of sparkly foundation or something, because her perfect skin was all glittery. I liked that. I liked that way her skin glowed even when she moved a tiny inch. Her silky smooth hair was wound up in a loose braid, and she was wearing a light green dress that really brought out her eyes. "Hey Sebastian? Could you possibly bring me home? I don't have a ride." I was pulled out of my trance when she spoke. My eyes lit up, but for only a second. I couldn't make it too obvious that I was screaming on the inside.
I led her to my beaten up Toyota on the side of the house. The party was still going strong, even at this hour. I opened the side door for her, and she smiled at me. I felt my face turn a shade of pink. Good thing it was dark. I got in, and then we were off. I asked her where she lived, my voice shaking a little. I typed her address into my GPS. She lived in the same neighborhood as Sharky! Small world, isn't it?
I pulled up to her driveway. Her house was a small, cute pastel yellow and white ranch style. There were blooming, fluorescent green plants in rickety little pots on her porch. Must be from Mars, I guessed. She thanked me, and I opened her door for her and helped her down from the truck. The car seats are kind of far off the ground, and I didn't want her to trip. That would be horrible. "It's fine. If you need a ride anywhere, I'm here." Wow, my voice didn't even stutter or anything! I smiled, and watched her climb the steps up to her front door. She gave me a little wave, and disappeared into her home. I waited awhile, taking in the atmosphere. An upstairs light flicked on. Must be her room, I thought. I turned my keys into the ignition, and went back to my house. While I was driving back, I tight I saw what looked like Clyde's vehicle going into Beij's neighborhood. I hoped he was just going to see Sharky. Probably not likely. I put the thought out of my mind, and tried to concentrate in the road.


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