This Girl.

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Remember when I said the alien kind was lost in the crowd a while ago? Maybe I was wrong. Today during economic living class, we were all introduced to this new girl. She looked like a normal human. Two eyes, peach skin, blonde hair. Except she had tattoos all over her body. (it was pretty sick) I wasn't a fan of her because I never get along with normal people. Never. Living all these years I've grown to hate humans with a passion. The way they've changed this century to shit makes me very uncomfortable. I wanted to stay away from this girl. I didn't want to talk to her. Mrs. Penn, our teacher introduced her to us. "Class, please give a warm welcome to our new student Beij Clidasker." At first, I thought she was a human. I was wrong. "Please help her to fit in and get to her classes. Don't be afraid." I didn't know what to think of her. The only thing on my mind was the empty seat next to me. I knew Mrs. Penn. I know her well enough to know that she has a goal to get every student to be friends with every kind. I knew she was going to make this new girl sit next to me because the seat next to me was the only open seat. "Beij, there is an open seat by Clyde." Shit. What a surprise. Once she walked over she sat down and didn't say one word. I brushed my hair to the opposite side so I could get a look of her out of the corner of my eye. She had a moon tattoo on her neck. Was that real? She had one on her forehead too. Who gets a tattoo on their forehead? I have to admit. I might've snuck a look at her thigh to notice that she has a Saturn tattoo on the upper part. I know. Why was I looking at her thigh? I don't even know. The real question is, how did she not notice? She continued to stare blankly at the board as Mrs. Penn wrote down a bunch of random information. Then, that's when it happened. "Since we have extra time, let's take a moment to converse a little bit about our new student Beij. Why don't you come up and introduce yourself?" I saw her reaction to what Mrs. Penn said. She looked really.... Terrified. I could tell she was shy. She's not my type, really. She walked up to the front of the room. "Uhh...hi. I'm Beij Clidasker. I'm from Mars" Wait WHAT? MARS? WHO THE HELL LIVES ON MARS? "And" as she continued "I'm an alien." Okay okay okay. What the fuck. I looked around to the people in front of me. I could see them make shocked faces. We haven't had an alien join our school in forever. I know what forever feels like. She continued to talk about herself. Mrs. Penn walked around the walls of the classroom to open the windows. As the Windows let in the small rays of light I could feel my skin start to tingle. The thing is, the teachers only open the windows slightly because of me. I could burn. It's like I'm allergic to sunlight. But while she was opening the windows, I looked into Beij's eyes. They're a bright blue color and they began to twinkle in the light. I started to tingle even more


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