The Car Ride

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"I like you" he said.

I didn't know how to react. I feels a painful push in my stomach. Those three words have never crossed my path. No one on Mars had feelings for me because I was a weirdo. And of course no one on this planet could possibly have feelings for me- because I'm a freak.
"Um. That's great. I'm just gonna uh... Go find my friend" and I ran off. What, expect me to say something better? I went off to find Sebastian. I think that was his name. I needed a ride home now. I didn't wanna be here anymore. I didn't wanna be the trash can for red solo cups. I didn't want to be the trash can in general. I didn't wanna see Clyde because I just...I felt awkward.
"Oh uh h-hey has it been so far?" He asked. "'s been okay. I was just wondering if you could drive me home. Clyde was my ride and he... Is wasted so..."
"Oh yeah, sure I'll take you home."

As I jumped out of his red truck (what a coincidence that it's red...for a demons car) I gave him a half smile and a small wave. He didn't look at me. He was just starting his car back up. I saw him shaking while his hands were on the wheel. Did he like me too? Wait a minute..
Why did Clyde like me if he has a girlfriend?

I plopped on my bed and immediately rested without thinking of Clyde. Or Sebastian.

The next morning I sat at the edge of my bed trying to remember what happened last night. I walked to the powder room and realized the faint sent of alcohol in my hair. Huh. I wonder why. I took a shower and thought about everything. I really think things through. As I got out of the shower my phone lit up. It was a message from Clyde. He asked me how I got home and I told him Sebastian brought me home. He was probably mad because he wanted to drive me home. I don't know. All I know is that he likes me. I feel. Awkward.

A little later he asked for my address. Why did he need my address? I ignored it. I went to the kitchen to make a bagel and then the door bell rang.

It was Clyde. Why did he come to my house? I let him in and brought him into my room. I wasn't done packing but okay then. He sat at the edge of my bed and pulled out a small necklace. I didn't know how to reply at this point because this was the most awkward thing ever. The necklace has a small planet on it. I felt a little more comforted on this planet now.


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