Math help

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I leaned into Beji. Her hand grabbed my back. Her hair was soft, I felt her legs, she smelt like flowers. I could hear her breathing. Then I pushed myself on her.
Beji fell down.
"Clyde you idiot that's cheating!" She yelled and laughed.
We were in the middle of a game of Twister.
I laughed and sat down with my legs crossed, "Well! I didn't want you to win! Plus, we seriously should start working on my homework." I grinned.
Beji started putting the mat away, she smiled and rolled her eyes. Her hair was down and frizzy and face flushed.
We were in the middle of math help when we found the game. And I guess we got sidetracked. Math help was the highlight of my day now.
I looked at my watch, "Dang, I forgot to tell you I'm leaving 5 minutes earlier because I'm meeting Wolfie." I said.
Beji raised her eyebrow and smiled, "Why do you even like her? I mean you guys don't even talk that much." She said siting down next to me.
I shrugged, "Well.. " I gave her a sexual eyebrow raise to hint her.
She burst out laughing, "Clyde you weirdo!" She shoved me playfully. I fell back on her, my head on her legs. Then we both made eye contact with Sebastian standing at the door. I shot up from her legs. He looked uncomfortable and put his hands in his pocket.
"Oh!" Beji blushed and moved her hair out of her face. "Sorry Sebastian. Clyde Sebastian's coming today for math help." She said and waved at Sebastian.
He smiled, shrugged and made his way to the table. "Sorry, I missed a few classes, I just need catching up." He said.
"Oh! Guys! I need some homework downstairs!" Beji said and ran to the door, "Listen I'll be back soon!" And with that Beji ran out.
I sat a uncomfortable length from Sebastian. It was awkward silence. I haven't really had a normal conversation with him since I punched him in the face.
"Uhh, hey man. I didn't think you needed math help you basically are a genius.." I said quietly.
He didn't say anything, his hands between his legs and looked away.
I was quiet again.
"You kissed Beji." He said finally.
My eyes for big, "What? Oh it was nothing.. People kiss all the time." I said.
He was quiet.
"I don't blame her, you are attractive, funny, charming and popular." He spit out.
I jerked my head to him, "What? No I'm not! It was a mistake! I'm none of that stuff! If anything you deserve her! Jackass stop saying that stuff!" I yelled.
He looked calm, "Fine. Can we stop being so awkward? And stop beating me up." Sebastian said.
Just then we saw Beji standing at the door with a smile.
"So you two are finally getting along?" She said matter-o-factory.
Sebastian shrugged, and I gave a shoulder raise to Beji.
"I'm a hard person to get along with." I shrugged.
Beji rolled her eyes and put her arms around us, "Listen in math help, it's just us. Let's be friends."

And that's how are small group formed.

We never talked outside of math. Nobody would have guess the three of us had a small group. I didn't even look at them when we passed in the hallway.

But it's good this way.

We deserve our own worlds.


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