Blood and Beji

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Today we were learning about the Vampire  vs Human war that happened like 100 years ago around World War 2. The teacher kept talking and talking how great we were. I felt everyone staring at me. We didn't deserve to be praised.
"And then the vampires won the war for life! They were so heroic!" My teacher smiled and looked at me. I ducked my head down.
"Yeah, hi, can I stay in to study this chapter?" Beji raised her hand. I looked at her and smiled, I felt like kissing her again.
"Oh course!" My teacher smiled.
About 10 minutes later the class cleared out, I stood against the wall with my head down. Beji ignored me and opened her book to study.
I walked up to Beji and shoved her books off her desk. They made a huge crash.
"Hey!" Yelled Beji.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, "What you are reading is a lie. Here I'm a teacher now." I demanded looking her in the eye.
"What are you talking about Clyde? Are you drunk?" She yelled.
"No, here is the real story. You should need to know, when humans went to war with vampires the humans didn't stand a chance!" I said, Beji looked confused, "You know what all humans need? They all need sleep. In the day we would turn into bats and fly around and at night.." I gave a evil smile, "at night.. We bite them.."
Beji tried to move away from me, I pushed her up against the desk and put my leg between hers, "We killed all of them in a matter of days.. It was a cruel war." I whispered in her ear.
She moved me away from me.
"Clyde you are being weird. Get off me. What do you mean you bite them?" She growled.
"Like this.." I grabbed her neck and slid my teeth on the surface. I felt her turn hot.
"What the fuck Clyde?! You are being so handsy! Never mind!" Beji blushed violently.
"No wait I'll show you what we do.." I grabbed the teachers apple and snapped it in half, I sunk my fangs into the apple, it turned grey and dry. "See? That's how we drink the blood, and we release a toxic juice to turn the victims to vampires, if this was a person, it would be a vampire right now." Beji gave me a "I don't give a fuck look" so I gave a evil grin and bit the other half of the apple, it turned black and black tar like stuff dripped out of it. It soon shriveled up. I had Beji's attention.
"That's what we did to humans.. We killed them like that. When they fell asleep we would bite them. And sometimes we would use the first bite, turn them into vampires which lead to them killing themselves because we are so disgusting. Most times we would use that bite, it's a extremely painful death, it fills your blood to become black tar stuff. That's why everyone hates us." I glared. 
Beji stepped back, "You can.. You can kill people so.. So fast and easy.. You don't drink the blood.. Do you..?" She asked shaking.
I grinned, "We crave blood. I crave blood. But I can't kill anyone can I? I can't have blood around me or I go.." I made a crazy face and smiled.
Beji grabbed her backpack was shaking, "Clyde that's horrifying!" And with that she ran out of the room.
I glared. I was feelings like being shitty today. I knew she couldn't take the truth. The truth that we aren't just monsters on how we look, but monsters on our history and our nature. I knew she couldn't take the fact I crave blood. I smiled to myself.
I'm the freak in this school.
I looked down at the apple I killed.
I saw Sharky give the teacher the apple this morning.
I licked my lips, blood did sound good right now. I felt my eye twitch. Even the sight of blood turned me on.
I shook my head.
"No more blood Clyde." I repeated to myself.
And with that I left school.


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