Something Big

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     "School was super boring today" I told my mom as I walked into the front door of my house. Fairly lights were strung up all over the cabinets, and a few lava lamps were lit up in my living room. I loved my home, how it was so full of my alien traditions and decor.

"Why don't you get started on your homework, honey? I'm making brownies for dessert tonight!" My mom said cheerfully. She was somehow always in a good mood. I flung my neon green backpack onto the counter, and got to work. Calypso, Sebastian's math tutor, wrote me  a few helpful notes in my math homework. I don't need the help, but I was still grateful. I furrowed my brow, and started aggressively writing down answers. I think my mom noticed I was kind of upset.

"Honey, is something wrong? I know school is a little tough.." She trailed off when she saw my face burning red.

"Well, I kind of like this guy, but yet I don't. He's kind of a jerk." I said. There, it's all out in the open. I finally admitted it.

"Beij, just tell him. I know you have been acting a little strange and I knew it was guy trouble. Maybe you could ask him to that Christmas Ball? Its coming up soon, and your dress is beautiful." She said. Maybe she's right. Maybe I should really tell him how I feel.

"Is it okay if I ask him what's his name." My mom said, her voice gently pushing me to tell her.

"Clyde," was all I said.

     My mom gave me a little pep talk before school the next day. I popped an antidepressant, and jogged to my bus stop, My frizzy blonde curls were like a big curtain draping over my shoulders. The air was so cold I could see my breath. Snow was in fresh piles, waiting to be plowed. My cheeks were heating up, and my skin felt dry. The Christmas season was upon us. As I waited for my bus, I was rehearsing what I was going to say to Clyde. I smoothed down my red skirt, and I looked over my outfit. I was wearing a black crop top with a sweetheart cut, a thick velvet choker, my special moon earrings, a high waisted red skirt, ripped black tights, and some combat boots. I smeared some dark red lipstick on, and ran some thick black eyeliner over my eyelids. I looked like a vampire. Maybe Clyde would like that? I hoped that. As long as that Drip bitch wasn't there, nothing was going to stand in my way. I held my head high, and walked onto the bus platform with my heart pumping fast. This was it. I was going to do it. Here I go.

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