What just happened.

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We contributed to fight until our faces got closer and closer to each other. It was an extremely weird perspective from my view, but I could tell that Clyde liked being close up. We paused. I felt him lean in for a kiss and I felt his lips touch mine.
What the fuck
I immediately pulled away and backed off. I crossed my arms and Clyde gave me a moral look. I responded with a disgusted look.  I can't even remember the rest of that day

Most of the week Clyde started to suck up to me. I felt extremely uncomfortable when he tried to have a conversation with me, but I just reminded myself that I can't be his friend. I can't.

The next week I sat at the steps of the school on my phone. I waited till everyone left and I walked back into the school for after-school-studies. As everyone started to leave I ran into the school and I came face to face with Clyde.
"Hey. What are you doing?" He said with a puzzled look.
"Oh I just gotta uh..study." I replied
"Huh okay. I don't know why you can't just do that at home.."
I looked at him with a nasty face and walked past him, budding shoulders.
"What's wrong?" He snapped.
"Nothing. I need to study. Bye." I walked away.
"It's funny how you can be nice for one day and be rude the next."
I stopped in my steps.
"It's funny how you talk about yourself out loud. Prick." I yelled across the hall.
I saw him make a slight smile. How stupid is he to take what I just said as a joke. I hate him. A lot.


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