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I can't believe he would betray me. I'm never talking to him again. I should've never been talking to him. My family calls him danger because of the way he acts.

I threw the necklace in the trash. 

I gave my sister a small girl wave as I left the house. Today was gonna be different. I went through the school doors and straight to the office.
"Hey Mrs. Sealbuhg. I'm resigning from math help. I've been a little too busy lately and I've been missing assignments. You're gonna have to find someone else." I begged to be out.
"Hey Beij..right? We can remove your name from the schedule." She replied.
"Oh, thank you so much! Yore a life saver" I said in shock. I though I wouldn't be pulled out.
"That's what I do! See you later." She said proudly.
I ran down the hall hopping. My life was going to be better without Clyde in my life. As I turned the hall corner, I ran into Sebastion.
"Oh hey Sebastion uh..I was just looking for you. I signed out of math help. You'll have a new tutor later." I said
"Oh..wait why? Why did you resign?" He said in shock.
"Um..I've been missing a lot of assignments." I gulped.
"Beij," he whispered "I know why you resigned. It's because of Clyde, right"
He's onto me.
"Uh-h.... Mhm." My muscles tightened.
"Your secret is safe with me." He gave a little smile.
I realized our faces were really close. He was really hot. Like literally..I felt like I was fucking burning because of the heat he let off.
"Oh god. Thanks. If Clyde asks just tell him I was missing assignments." I replied. The weight of my shoulder let off.
"No problem." He curved around me and left to his first class.

I went to health class and I saw Clyde on his phone. I immediately pulled away my eyes. No direct eye contact. I plopped my bag on the ground and he immediately stated talking to me. He was in the seat in front of me."
"Hey Beij. Can I borrow a pencil?" He begged.
I said nothing. With a straight face I handed him a pencil.
"Thanks. Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine.." I couldn't let him know I saw his messages between Seb and him.
He spun around.

First class: success.


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