Water All Around

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I love the rain. I love how it softens the outlines of things. The world feels likes its softly blurred, and I melt right into it.
-Anime Character, (Honey and Clover)

      It was raining, soft pitter-patters on the windows and the sidewalk. Sharky and I were spending our lunch hour jumping in puddles and memorizing science vocabulary for an upcoming test.
"What the heck is a neurotransmitter?! I just forgot it!" Sharky shrieked as he bounced into a large puddle.
"Well, its a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse, of course!" I yelled over the sounds of his puddle boots splashing me. He smirked and pointed to something behind me. At first I thought he was just being strange, but his happy expression turned to curiosity.
       I looked back at the front of the school building, and I saw a girl twirling around, her arms spread out. It looked like she was absorbing the rain, feeling it soak into her skin. She was pretty, all right. Probably just as pretty as Beij. Her blonde streaks of hair were soaked, and her turquoise dress frilled up with every spin. She was breathtaking, just looking at her in the rain. I saw a forgotten admissions clipboard laying on the pavement. "It's all wet?" I wondered aloud. I jogged over to where it lay. The girl had noticed, and she was skipping over to me.
"Oh I'm so sorry! What am I going to do?" The girl said in a bubbly tone.
"Don't worry about it, I know a certain someone who can make these dry," I said, looking into her eyes. Sharky had come over too, whispering science facts to himself.
"Hey, you look familiar? Do I know you?" Sharky asked, also peering into her face. She laughed a smooth, rolling laugh. It almost  sounded like waves going in and out with the tide.
"I used to go to middle school with Clyde, and I think you were in my class? Weren't you that kid who set the fire alarm off everyday for a week because you were on a homework strike?"
Sharky grinned. "Yep! That's me, my name is Sharky, and this is my boyfriend, Sebastian!" I sheepishly waved at her, and said hi.
"Now let's get these papers dry," I said, and I led her into the building. While we were walking, she told me about how she lived by the Pacific Ocean and how she loved the beach. Drip was here name. Curious how she came here while it was raining. I walked into the all too familiar math help room, and said hi to Calypso. Her red pixie cut and bright blue eyes swiveled around at me. Her nose ring glimmered in the light.
"Hey Sebastian, what can I do for you?" She said, eyeing Drip.
"Oh, hey Calypso, this is Drip. She's new. She's also got her admission papers pretty soaked, and I knew you could help." I had made up for my bad first impression with my new math tutor a long time ago, and now she's helping me get my math grade up. Calypso begrudgingly took the wet papers and pointed a finger at them. Blue magic swirled about them, and slowly they became crisp, clean sheets again. Drip's handwriting was clearly visible, and it was written in bright blue pen. She grabbed them in amazement, thanked Calypso, and walked out the door with us. She said she had to meet Clyde for something, whatever that means. Sharky and I watched her as she slipped down the hallway, looking for my newest friend.
"Dammit Sharky, forgot to ask her if she wanted to hang out with us after school." I remembered.
"I'm sure Clyde will tell her, they use to be really really close. There used to be some rumors about them doing it in some garden." Sharky now was looking at the ceiling, reminiscing about the middle school days.
"I'm not even surprised Sharky, not even surprised." We walked back outside, trying to remember what to study for the upcoming test. I could already hear Sharky muttering about the difference between epinephrine and epinephrin.

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