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Asshole. Everyone on this planet is an asshole. Disgusting demonic beasts who don't give a shit about the world and its problems. All they care about is the trending shit.

As I walked out of my family's apartment, I could feel the ball starting to form in my throat. I walked down the stairs and left the building. The school was close to the apartment. Too close. I had to walk. I didn't want to walk. The reason I hate walking is because everyone stares at me. Because of my tattoos. They're not even tattoos. They're spiritual marks. Only aliens have them. They tell you traits about yourself. The moon on my neck means I'm a loner. I wish I could be more "friendly" but it can't happen. I've never had a boyfriend- I don't even know what gender I like because I'm so lonely. The Saturn on my leg means I want to be loved. I want someone who can stick by my side. Someone who likes me for my personality- who ignores that I'm ugly. I've always thought I was ugly because I was not like anyone else. Aliens are going extinct on Earth. Anyways, someone who can just... I don't know.. Show affection to me? Okay well continuing with my marks, the eye on my shoulder means I want to be noticed- I want to fit in but I can't because my kind isn't on this planet! Can't someone just appreciate all kinds? Everyone is an asshole! Goddammit, alright. The star on my forehead means I don't like to talk. I know, weird. But that's what it is! I don't like to talk to anyone cause like I said everyone is an asshole. Well. Whatever. That's it.

Continuing with my day. When I walked up to the school building, everyone turned their heads. Dramatically. They knew who I was. They knew what I was. Aliens are drastically shunned in this world. That's why I think I'm ugly, because I look nothing like anyone else. Because everyone hates me. Once in a while I suffer depression. Cuts, bruises. Shit like that. Can't someone just be nice to everyone? I slowly put my head down to the path and walked.

I first went to the office to get my sheets (calendar, schedule, locker number) and I ran off because the lady didn't say anything. Not a single word. I ran to my locker and tried to unlock it and I looked around to make sure no one was around me. I did it very secretly so I wouldn't make any direct eye contact. But I had this extremely awkward moment. I was looking around and some guy who was walking while on his phone looked up and stared at me. He literally just stopped and looked up and stared at me. I looked at him directly in the eyes. I slowly drifted back to my locker and he kept walking. I wonder what he was thinking. He had black hair, a black jacket with a striped shirt. I started to walk to my first class. "Economic living" it read. We learned about that on Mars. Yeah. Mars.

As I went to my first class I made direct eye contact with the same exact guy. He had a seat empty next to him. On the other side of him was some guy with horns and black hair with colored tips. I wonder what he is? That sounds rude but whatever. The teacher told me there was an open seat next to "Clyde". That must be his name. I walked over and sat down and stared directly at the board. No where else. Not an interesting class, except when the teacher asked me to introduce myself because I'm the newest student. While I was up there I mentioned I'm an alien. All their faces changed to shocked expressions. I felt a small ball form in my throat. I wanted to cry. The bell rang before I could finish explaining myself. I immediately left the classroom and went to my locker. All of the sudden I saw a huge shadow go over my head. I turned around and saw a minotaur guy looking me right in the eye with two girls on each side of him. "So alien bitch face, you think you can come to our school and mess around and be a retarded piece of shit?" Both of the girls looked at me with smirks on their faces. "I'm...I'm not a bitch-" before I finished, I felt his hand smack against my face. First day of school I was slapped. Other people came by and started throwing their trash at me. I broke out in tears and curled on the ground while being pelted with trash. All of the sudden I heard "WHAT THE FUCK". I saw him. His face. Clyde.


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