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You know when you listen to a song that reminds you of a certain time of your life? Or when you smell something and it takes you back?
When I saw Drip I felt that but 100x better.
She was beautiful, puberty hit her like a truck.
Back a few 20 years ago the first year I came to this school I meant this nerdy girl with big glasses and a high skirt. We became best friends. It was like the both of us taking on the entire world together. We had some pretty crazy times. I remember when we confessed our love, it was the school dance. We decided to run to the school garden. Now, remember I was a virgin. Much less I never kissed anyone.
Well, it was raining, really hard. And poor Drips white shirt became see through. She was really embarrassed but I was in such shock I just blushed and yelled I loved her. And she started laughing, then I started laughing. Then we shared our first kiss. Just thinking of our awkward kiss makes me smile. Every. Single. Time.
I was sitting with her in a empty classroom. We were sitting down leaning our backs on each other with our heads resting on our heads.
"So.. You've change? I mean.. You.. Look like a fucking bad boy?" Drip said after I told her little about my new life.
" I know. Lots has happened." I sighed, "I was a fucking jerk. You would be so disappointed. I'm a piece of shit. Did I also mention I also only went out with a girl for pleasure?" I sighed.
Drip moved my face so I could make eye contact with her.
"Clyde you've always been a screw up." She laughed.
I smiled and hugged her.
Finally someone didn't think I was Satan. She was really chill with things.
Just then Sebastian, Sharky and Beji came in the room.
"See I told you they our practically dating!" Sharky pipped in.
I saw Beji put her hands in her Jacket and look away.
"Yo! It's my favorite guys!" Jumped in Drip and gave them a hug.
I got up.
I didn't tell Drip about me and Beji. I don't think she needed to know.
"Hey Beji, thanks for showing Drip around the school." I smiled.
Beji have ass grinned back. "Yeah, it was really fun. It's so weird you guys.. Are like.. Friends." She said playing with her beautiful hair.
"And then oh my god Clyde had this girl who literally had this major crush on Clyde! And once during gym he took off his shirt and milk spilled out of her nose!" Exclaimed Drip.
We all meet at a ice cream place and Drip and me were telling funny stories about our past. I was laughing my head off.
"Oh fuck do you remember when your skirt fell up and I was in shock all I could do was stare!" I laughed as Drip punched me playfully.
Sharky and Sebastian were literally dying of laughter. Also because they were trying to do a 'see who could hold in there laugh challenge' which just made them laugh more.
It got quiet when Drip asked about Sebastian's scar on his face, which I made.
"Oh.. Uh.. Clyde.." Sebastian looked down.
"Guys who wants more ice cream!" Sharky said nervously.
"Clyde did that. He used to beat people like Sebastian up, he also used to tease everyone of us. He kinda change only a month ago." Beji said blank.
Beji continued eating her ice cream. Everyone was looking at her.
"What? That's a joke, right?" Drip asked nervous.
Everything in me sunk. My pointy ears felt hot. I felt some tears.
"I got to go. I'll talk later guys." I said getting up.
"Yeah me to." Beji said.
We both got up and left. I felt dizzy.
"You might as well just tell her. Everyone knows who you are." Beji said after we got out of the building.
"I can't. And I'm still a fucking vampire! I'm not suppose to be nice! I could change back just like this!" I snapped my fingers, "Why did you tell her!" I asked kinda angry.
"Because I had to put up with you through all this and still fell in lov- I mean stayed your friend! She just knows your good side so it isn't fair!" Beji yelled.

She blushed deeply.
"I'm leaving now." And she ran away.
I stood sad. I like Beji. I always had. But I felt the same for Drip.

- H

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