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I needed to tell her that Clyde isn't the nerd he used to be.

When I walked through the double doors into the school on Thursday I saw Clyde and Drip talking and flirting. But I also took notice that she was literally wearing the same exact style I wear. And she even wore her hair in a messy pony tail. I also got a glimpse that she she's wearing like almost the same exact make up that I usually wear? Are you serious? You're literally going to copy my look to get closer to Clyde so you guys can play around again. Fucking dumb. Of course they're talking by my locker. I gulped and walked over to my hell hole of a locker.
"Oh hey Beij!!" Drip exclaimed.
"Hey." I said with no reaction. Not even looking at her. Clyde looked over at me with a confused short smile and scrunched his forehead in a 'fucking bitch' way. He turned back over and contributed to Drips conversation. All of the sudden she spurted
"Beij, where did you get your jacket? It's super cute!"
Of course out of ALL the things she would ask, she would ask that.
"Oh um..I actually don't know.. I think a place of Mars." I mumbled slightly.
"'re joking right?" She said as she twirled a strip of hair from her pony tail.
"N-no. I'm not.." I chuckled.
"Wait does that mean you're an...alien?" She asked with a sarcastic look.
"Yes. That means I'm an alien." I said with an obvious look.
She gave me a nasty look
"Clyde lets go. We don't wanna be near her" she snapped.
I looked over with my draw dropped.
"Excuse me?" I said, starting a war in my head.
"You didn't hear me? I don't wanna be by a scum like you to be honest and I'm sure Clyde doesn't either. Right Clyde?"
Clyde didn't even open his mouth. He just gave me a sulking look as he looked up and down.
"It's funny how fucking innocent you are but you hide the fact that you're offensive as fuck and you try to gain attention." I snapped
"Beij, what the fuck?!" Clyde yelled
I saw Drip start to cry. She pouted. I gave a confused 'I didn't do anything!' Look at him.
"Oh come on.." I said as I sighed with an eye roll. "She's doing this shit for attention Clyde. People change.
"Exactly. People change. Like you." He walked away as he dragged Drip along with him. He looked back and flashed his fangs. That wasn't good. I'm pretty sure that means "to hell."

Later in the afternoon I sat by myself but later Seb and Shark joined me.
"So um where's Clyde and Drip? Aren't they gonna sit with us?" Sharky asked.
" Drip finally got the hint that I'm an alien and she refuses to talk to be and now Clyde is her little minion throughout it all. They won't talk to me whatsoever." I said depressed
"Wait you're an alien??!" Sharky said sarcastically.
"Shut the fuck up Sharky" Seb said as he chuckled. "Maybe you should try to talk it out with them. I dare you"
"Agreed. I'll give you my sandwich. It has jelly. Do you know what jelly is?" Sharky said as he chuckled.
"Stop. Okay fine I'll try to get a hold of Clyde. Wish me luck and keep that sandwich warm" I said innocently.
I stuck my hands in my bomber jacket pockets and tried to walk over by my legs started shaking.
"Clyde can we please talk.." I asked as politely as I could.
He looked at Drip and she gave a pout as she stroked his arm. Cringe. He got up and crossed his arms. We walked over in front of the bathrooms.
"What do you want." He clicked his tongue.
"I'm-" I couldn't let it out. It's like my mouth was holding me back.
He gave an obvious hurry up look.
"I'm sorry for what happened at the lockers and at the ice cream shop." I blurted. I wasn't going to cry. That's not a bluff.
"It's okay. I know you're jealous." He said
My jaw dropped.
"W-what? Dude, have you even seen what she looks like today? She literally looks like me! She's stealing how I look to lure you! I'm not kidding? She even stole my laugh and everything! Stop being her fucking sugar daddy for once!" I snapped
He looked shocked.
"Really Beij. Stop. Go back to your dumb ass planet." He yelled.
"Nice job Clyde. Tell her who's
Boss." Drip walked past me. Was she here the whole time?
I felt my heart start to beat. My eyes started to turn white and before I knew it the pressure from my spirit pushed Drip to the ground as she hit her head on the water fountain. Clyde pulled her up as she put both hands on her head and her face a blood red. She started to cry as they escaped the cafeteria. I backed up and I hit Seb and Shark.
"Beij! What did you do!" Seb yelled
Sharky got a glimps of my eyes as they were Snow White and he almost fell over. I started to cry blood tears.


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