Deep Breathing

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"Mom no! Please make them stop!" I screamed as two men pulled me back.
"Clyde run!! I love you!" My mom screamed back trying to grab my hand.
  I couldn't see much over my tears. Just her being shoved out of the house. I screamed and cried for her. I turned into a bat a flew for my life. I don't know what they would have done with me if I couldn't escape.
  I woke up shaking. A cold sweat went down my back. Ever since I got the letter I've been having the dream of the last time I saw my mom. I was 8, she was 23. I miss her a lot. But the fact she was still alive shook me up. Hard.
I also had to ask Sebastian and Beij if they would go to New England with me. That's where my mom is apparently. I can't go alone. I needed them. I didn't exactly know how to ask. It's a huge deal, plus I hadn't shown up for school after Sharky caught me crying. I took a deep breath and realized I had to face my fears.
I sat Sebastian and Beij down at the school garden. It was the end of the day now, the weather was slightly cloudy, but what's new.
"Okay, this is going to be a big shocker for you guys.." I sighed and held my breath, "My birth mom is alive.. The new owner for the boys home I stayed at said he found a letter from her dating back only a year."
Beij covered her mouth with her hand.
Sebastian stared at me with huge eyes.
"I don't it's crazy.. but she is in New England and I want you guys to come with me.." I sighed and raised my eyebrow.
They both stared at me.
"Listen, Beij I know stuff been complicated with our relationship and school and I kn-"
Beij jumped into my arms and gave me a massive hug.
"I'm so happy for you. I want to go with you." She spoke softly into my ear.
I felt a pack of bricks fall off my shoulder. I hugged her back. Then Sebastian smiled.
"I'll go Clyde. I'm really happy for you."
A breeze went by and everything was still.
"How are you feeling..?" Beij asked moving my hair out of my face.
I grabbed her hand, "I'm actually doing good." I lied.
She looked a bit skeptical, but I knew it was already a lot for them to take. Going to the human world, vacation in a new country. Crazy shit.
They met back at my apartment so I could go over details.
"Okay.. so I can look like a human by command.." I sipped tea Sebastian made, "Beij, you make a good human. But Sebastian..?"
He smiled and took out a ball cap and placed it over his horns, "I don't look perfect.. but I look like a emo teenager!" He smiled.
"Perfect." I continued, "So we leave tomorrow morning.. we will be staying in hotels and stuff. I've never really used my work money so I can mostly pay for the trip.." I sighed and grabbed my forehead, I was stressing every detail.
After tea and discussion Beij approached me.
"I know this is super stressful and everything must be going through your head but don't be scared.." she smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Scared? Me?! No!" I lied.
She looked at me in disbelief.
I kissed her cheek, "See you tomorrow."
The next morning we met at a gas station. I yawned, Sebastian had his hood up. I could tell Sebastian wasn't a fan at leaving at 4:30am.
"Okay! The journey begins! You two ready?" I gave a nervous sigh and loaded Beijs stuff in the car.
Sebastian spun his fingers and Beij smiled and nodded.
After we loaded in the car the sun was just coming up. Sebastian was fast asleep in the back seat. Me and Beij talked for a hour till she seemed to realize what she was getting into.
"So um not that it matters.." Beij whispered trying not to wake Sebastian and rubbed her fingers, "How is the hotel room thing going to work?"
I felt a slight blush, "Oh! Um.. I got all three of us one room. If you don't mind..?"
Beij sighed in relief and nodded.
"Yeah, haha we shouldn't get a hotel with just us... haha.. okay.. that was awkward ill stop taking.." I mumbled.
Okay..! Not that it matters! In fact, I shouldn't be talking about this but me and Beij haven't exactly sleep together. It's awkward..! I don't plan about thinking about that stuff over the trip. Ugh...! Awkward.....!
We haven't even committed to a real relationship. We both are horrible at committing.
When decided to take a stop after about three hours of driving. Sebastian seemed awake.
"Does this building have wifi? I wanna text Sharky." Sebastian asked looking out the window.
"Yes. But we are in human territory. Just chill and blend in.." I sighed and turned into my human look. My white skin turned tan and my teeth sunk in. But my bite marks remained.
It sucked we had to hide. Well, I guess it's because vampires actually suck.
I held Beij's hand, she seemed scared. I didn't want her to be scared. I put on a brace face and smiled at her.
Sebastian followed us with his hat held low. He was stopped by a group of teens wearing black and dark hair.
"Hey man, sick hair. You going to Hot Topic?" A tall pale kid asked him.
Sebastian was a nervous wreck, "Haha.. no.. I don't go to the hot topic.."
A girl with short pink hair looked at him, "Are you okay..?"
I ran in, "Excuse me but my friend is.... most.. um.. deaf.. yeah.." I was shaking. I haven't spoken to a human in years.
They shrugged and walked by me.
Sebastian smiled at me.
I put on a brace face.
This trip was going to scare us all. I'm so happy I have friends willing to do this. But I needed to be the one to put on a brace face.


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