Coming back

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I sat on my empty hotel bed a old fan spun above me.
I miss you guys. I repeated in my head.
"You've never had any luck at this school. Nothing has changed." Drips words rung in head.
She was right, I was going no where. I hadn't changed.
But then it hit me.
I have changed. I was changing. That's why I was growing happy.
I let that thought sink, I was in the middle of making my life better. I couldn't let myself ruin that again.
Drip sung open the hotel door.
"Drip, I think I want to go back home." I bravely spoke.
"What?" She looked shocked.
"I've done a lot of stupid stuff before. I am a mess, but that was changing. I was changing. I'm not going back to my old self."
She looked deeply offended then angry.
She grabbed my hand, "Clyde you stupid fuck you better shape up or I'll never forgive you!" She screamed.
"If you really loved me you would let me go!"
"I never loved you! Clyde you were my hot friend! You can't blame me for wanting a sexy relationship!" She screamed.
"What the hell?!" I felt all my bad choices bubble up.
Drip removed her hand from my hand and slapped me across the face.
I didn't want time for questions. I had to get out of there.
"Goodbye Drip." I whispered and left the
"Fucker! Ill ruin your life!"
"You almost did!" I yelled back.
The ride home was hard, I took different taxis back. Drip was on the boarder of the human and monster world. I had a human taxi driver. I got back at around 11 at night. I stepped out of the taxi.
"This is where you want?" He asked.
"Yeah." I sighed and turned back into my vampire form.
I heard his whisper something after he saw me. Then he speed his taxi away.
I knocked on a old familiar house.
Sebastian opened the door, the smell of weed filled my lungs.
"..Clyde..?" He whispered.
"Hey, I totally understand if you are mad. I shouldn't have lef-"
He jumped in my arms and hugged me tight. I felt his warm hands against my back.
I hugged him back, "Thanks."
I heard Sharky walking down the stairs, "Hey Clyde Beji just replied- CLYDE!" He practically fell down the stairs trying to get to me.
We hugged for a bit then Sebastian broke off.
"Does Beji know?!?"
"No.. I feel like she will never forgive me." I sighed.
"CLYDE SHE LOVES YOU GO TO HER!" Sharky screamed.
"I can't- I want to hold her and kiss her but- I don't deserve her.." I shrugged.
"CLYDE GO TO HER!" Sharky screamed.
"Okay! You are right!" I took a deep breath.
I turned into a bat a flew over.
I turned back into a person and hesitated at her door. Before I could knock Beji flung open the door.
"Clyde?" She gasped.
I threw my arms around her.
I finally was doing something right.


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