Race To The Bathroom

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    I leaned my head against the seat. We have been driving for quite awhile, and I wanted to stop to go to the bathroom. I was still trying to process in my brain what exactly happened in the past week. Clyde basically got in a ginormous fistfight with some humans in a random parking lot, we made a new purple-haired friend named Frank, and we all got to share a hotel room. To be honest, I felt like a famous rock star or something. Staying in hotels, driving around in a big rental van, and picking up new friends. I rarely got to leave home besides my big move from Mars to Earth, so I was super duper pumped to go across America with all my friends.

     "Hey Clyde, can we stop to go to the bathroom? Please? " I whined, crossing my legs. I was slouched in my seat, so I had to look up at him.

     "Alrighty, at the next exit." Clyde patted my head and kissed the top of it. I was falling more and more in love with Clyde every time I looked at him now. I leaned my elbow on our van's window, watching the streams of rain run down the window. It has been raining a lot lately, but right now it was a full on rainstorm. I closed my eyes, hoping the weather would get better soon.

     "......Huh?......What?....Nah.." A groggy voice mumbled in the back of the car. I twisted back in my seat to see who was talking so strangely. I saw Sebastian and Frank leaning against each other, sleeping soundly. I heard Frank mumble another string of words in a confused daze. I chuckled.

     "Hey Clyde, I think Frank's a sleep-talker," I got close to his face, tickling his ear with my voice.

     "Oh really? I had a friend at the old boy's home who did that." Clyde has been bringing up his past a lot, the closer and closer we get to New England. I got a slightly sick feeling in my stomach.

     "Um, yeah about that." I twirled a strand of my curly flaxen hair around my finger, looking down at my sneakers. "What if, I dunno.. What if something bad happens?" I asked Clyde, looking up to see his now sad expression.

     "Something bad like my mom won't accept me? Or she won't remember me or that she hates me? Oh, or that she hates you guys?" His face turned bright red. I wish I didn't ask him, I knew this was coming. "Beij, I have literally thought of every bad thing that could go wrong, and at the moment I'm just really hoping for the best right now."

     "I'm sorry Clyde, I know this is upsetting. But if something bad happens you have me, you have us." I whispered this, hoping to reassure him. I'm not to great at comforting people, but with Clyde it's different. We are so in sync, we just understand each other so well.

     "I know, it's just been really hard on me. But you guys have really helped. A lot." He wrapped his arm around me, steering the wheel with one hand and his knee. He kissed me half on the cheek, and half on the mouth. I melted when he looked at me, and sometimes he even left me speechless. Being with him was like a dream, a happy, warm, deep dream.

     "Here we go, I've found you a bathroom, fair lady." He smirked, and laughed a little at his remark. I shook my head, grinning ear to ear. This trip was just making me happier and happier.

     "Wha...? Did I hear we are stopping at a bathroom?" Sebastian's softly-spoken voice piped up from the back of the car. Every time we stop anywhere, Sebastian insists he has to go every time. It makes me laugh, he's one of those road trippers.  He poked Frank's shoulder, and he bolted awake.

     "What's going on?! Are we there yet?" Frank's shrill voice rang out. He sneezed, and looked out the window. "Wait. This is a shady gas station."

"Almost there, pal." Clyde smirked, switching off the car's ignition. Sebastian was already out of the car, beckoning us to hurry up.

     "C'mon guys you know I really have to go!" Sebastian cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted at our van.

     "Coming man! Hold on a sec!" I dashed out of the van, swinging the car door open. Now I remembered why I asked for us to stop. I grabbed Sebastian's wrist and ran with it to the bathrooms. Sebastian said "I'll be right out," then closed the bathroom stall door. I was out of breath from all that running. I opened up a stall door and the relief hit me like a truck. After we were done we raced each other back to the car, Seb winning. We were on the road again, only about a state away from New England. We loaded up the car again, and we were off. I proceeded to pester Clyde to sing for us, Frank was playing a game on his phone, and Sebastian was dozing off, once again. How could he sleep when we were so close?





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