Shower Support

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A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
-Elbert Hubbard, American writer and philosopher

I walked out of gym class with my eyes glued to the floor. I hated gym. I wasn't all that bad at it, I just dreaded what was after it. What I really hated was showering afterwards. For the record, I don't hate bathing, like some of the other guys in my class. I actually really enjoy it, but when I'm alone. I like singing my heart out and using the shower head as a microphone, and I love the steam surrounding me and how it fogs up the mirrors. But at school it's a different story. At school it's a damn nightmare for me. And everyone else knows why.
Last week I finally came out as bisexual to the school. I figured everyone just knew because Sharky is always at my side, but I guess not. I told the principal that I didn't need any special attention or treatment just because I finally came out of the closet. I thought nobody would care that I liked both genders. I was wrong.
I was strolling down the hall to the boys locker room, accepting my doomed fate. I looked around, and saw that all the boys were a few paces behind me, and they were whispering and snickering. My face felt hot. They were laughing at me. I held back hot tears and quickly turned the corner into the showers. I decided I was going to use the shower in the farthest corner, so maybe no one would pay attention to me. I was wrong again. I planted my duffel bag and towel on the shower rack, and began to take my shirt off. I turned so the only part of my body the other boys could see was my back. Some kid purposefully bumped into me.
"Hey fag, maybe you should be using the other locker room." I heard a voice say.
"Stop perving on us, freak!" Another said.
I whipped open the shower curtain and turned the temperature to the coldest setting. I couldn't get out of control, but it was no use. I was helpless, I was drowning and everyone else was watching me struggle. I am alone in this. I am all alone. My hands got hot, and my wrists burned. I put my head under the icy water and counted to three. I was going to handle myself. I breathed in and out, and cooled down. I finished washing up and wrapped a towel around my waist. I turned off the water and continued getting dressed. The room was silent and empty, probably because no one wanted to shower with a "perv." I put on my sweatpants and was about to change into my favorite shirt when I saw Clyde. He was in the shower across the room, and he was belting a song into the shower head. I smiled. I moved closer, just to hear him sing. His words echoed through the room, drawing me closer and closer. Hey, he kind of had a sort of "soul voice." I really liked that. Shoot, he couldn't catch me listening to him, he would think I'm a weirdo. I went back to my duffel bag. But then I felt his presence.
He was right behind me, and all of a sudden we were talking about the Christmas Ball. I admitted to him I wanted to the Prince. I've always wanted to be the Prince, waving my plastic Dollar Store crown and making a speech about how honored I am and how my whole entire life led up to to this very moment. I don't know why I wanted to be the Christmas Prince, but I just really wanted it this year. But I knew Clyde would get it, I knew he would. I would still be proud of him. He's my best friend, and I'm so grateful for his presence in my life. Anyway, back to the locker room. "You're like a zillion years old and you can't dance?" Clyde said. He stepped out and wrapped a towel around his slender hips. I turned the deepest shade of red. I looked back at the lockers so Clyde couldn't see my face. But I looked back at him, like always. How could you not look at him? The next thing I knew my hand was clumsily wrapped around his and were were dancing what looked like a drunken waltz. I can't believe this was happening. My bi ass was dancing with the one of the hottest guys in school, and I was loving it. I'm glad I did not just say that out loud. I smiled to myself. Of course I love Sharky, but in that moment I could only think of Clyde in a towel. The situation was all so awkward. But just the smell of his lemon soap and lingering poppy seed scent filled my nose, and his jet black, wet hair was curling around his ears. His perfectly red lips were drawn in a sensual, yet determined way. He was concentrating on showing me how to gracefully move like him, and I really wanted to dance well. To be the Prince, you have to obviously act like one.
After the shower situation, my day was a lot brighter. But every time I walked by Sharky, I felt a little guilty. I didn't do anything wrong, did I? Clyde is just a crush, I told myself as Sharky kissed me on the cheek while going into trigonometry. I flinched after he passed by.

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