Is It Wrong?

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Don't be so nice to me; I fall in love so easily

-Waylon Jennings, music artist

     We stopped at the hotel for a few drinks. It was Clyde's idea. Not that it matters anymore. I crossed a line. I wonder what's going to happen. This is when I probably have to tell about what happened. Here it goes.

     "Could we stop at a bar at that hotel?" Clyde asked me. We were in the car on our way home, finally. It was nice seeing Clyde's mom but I really needed to relax in the comfort of my own home.

     "Sure, I saw a hotel on our way here." I took the exit I saw on our way there and looked back at Beij. She seemed kind of crabby so I definitely knew she needed a drink too. I wonder if she has a fake ID? Clyde and I have actual ones because we are immortal, but what if it's different in Mars? I shook the thoughts  out of my head and kept driving.

      In a matter of time we checked into our rooms and had some of our stuff unpacked. I was sharing a room with Clyde and Beij and Frank shared the other.

     "What are you wearing for the bar?" I asked Clyde. He was busy putting all of his piercings back in, and I realized I never really have seen him with all of them in at a time. He looked like he was a tattoo artist, or a biker.

     "I'm gonna look pretty fucking cool," Clyde laughed to himself and put his glasses back in their case. His eyes looked bigger without them.

     "Of course you are." I rolled my eyes at him and disappeared into the bathroom. I decided on what I usually wear, black jeans and some band t-shirt. I eyed my new jacket I got from the mall a few weeks ago, and shouldered it on. I did a once over in the mirror, and was ready to go. Clyde was waving me to the door and we met Frank and Beij down by the bar.  Frank looked nice, with a purple blazer that matched his hair. Beij was wearing a button down red dress that complimented her blonde hair. All of us looked pretty cool, I have to admit.

     All of us ordered some shots, just for the fun of it. I could never handle my liquor very well, but luckily Frank volunteered to be the designated driver. After a few, my vision was getting a little hazy and I couldn't say a proper sentence without my words stringing together. A nice song was playing in the bar. The lyrics went like;

"Just stop crying,

it's the sign of the times

we gotta get away from here"

     I recognized the song, but I couldn't name the title. I know it's been really popular with humans recently. For some reason I felt the room slow down, the lyrics speaking to me, the lights flashing, the clinking of glasses and the muffled sounds of people's voices. The world was suddenly in slow motion, and Clyde and I were looking right at each other. I felt as if we were the only ones in the room. We were so perfectly focused on one another, and for some reason I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I still wonder why I started to cry. Maybe for me. Maybe for Clyde. Hell, maybe for Sharky. They lyrics were filling up my mind, "we gotta get away from here, we gotta get away from here."

        Clyde was drunk as hell, even I knew that. But I'm sure he was thinking the same about me. Somehow we got away from the others, and we were back in our pitch black hotel room. I drunkenly flipped on a lamp switch and the next thing I knew Clyde was all over me. I couldn't breathe, and I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

     "Do you think that Beij wants to fuck me?" Clyde cornered me in the corner of the wall, and his face was close to my ear. His skin was hot to the touch, and I started to realize what was about to happen. I mumbled something back to him, and he laughed.

     "Sebastian..." His voice was luring me in, like how a lion stalks its prey. His voice was making my skin tickle every time he said my name. I was getting hotter and hotter, and I knew I was going red from head to toe.

     "Are you hot? Am I really making you that hot?" Clyde slid his hands around my waist and slid me up on the wall. I was pinned, and he was looking at me. His eyes hungrily searched my face for a reaction, and I melted.

"Clyde...Stop!" Somehow I got the words out, but I was in over my head. Clyde already has his legs in between mine, and I couldn't help it. He suddenly threw me down on the freshly made bed and ran his tongue up my neck. I let out a groan and pulled his body closer. He threw his shirt over his head and took mine with his. I looked at his face, and he grinned wildly. He was on top of me, and for some reason I wasn't stopping him.

     Well, you know how it goes. You've probably discovered the internet long ago and I'm pretty sure you've passed ninth grade health class. The rest is history.

      The problem is, what am I going to do about the future?

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