Road Trip Fights

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It's been 2 days into the vacation, and it's been crazy. But it's been one of the best events in my life. Humans are great.
They all have their own style, they aren't trapped in who they were born.
Vampires are horrible bloody monsters who hate everyone, demons want death and watching people suffer and aliens are antisocial freaks who looks silly.
We were trapped as what we got. Most of the times it wasn't true. Clyde isn't a horrible bloody monster who hates everyone, you try saying that after you watch a vampire himself mess with a baby human. We were none of what our kinds said we were.
My train of thought was broke to the sound of a laughing voice.
  "Oh man babies are the greatest things ever!" Clyde laughed and waved at a little baby girl he was playing with.
  Sebastian rolled his eyes and smiled, "Clyde, when was the last time you saw a baby?"
Clyde started counting with his fingers, he raised one eyebrow still with a goofy grin on his face.
  "Holy shit it's probably been a few years." He said thinking.
Some monsters don't find out they are monsters till they hit puberty, or some humans don't care till there teen starts showing threats of danger. We mostly get teens.
I couldn't help but grin at Clyde's smiling face. His freckles really stood out as a human. I think my favorite part about meeting Clyde is watching him grow into the person he was becoming. He now worn his big glasses more often. Which he looked like the hottest nerd ever. He was finally not hiding who he was. He was now just Clyde.
We started loading the van again, I don't know why but I said,
"Clyde you really lost your edge."
I didn't really mean it, I knew he would beat up anyone who tried to mess with him. But now he was calm when he needed to be.
Clyde kinda looked at me weirdly.
Before I could say anything Sebastian screamed something,
"What?!" Clyde demanded.
Sebastian jumped out of the car, "those people!"
I followed his finger to a group of teenagers attacking a woman.
Before I could think I saw Clyde running right to the fight.

  "Hey what the fuck do you dicks think you are doing?!" Clyde demanded grabbing one guys hoodie.
    The guy was missing a tooth and wore baggy jeans, "Getting money, bloody fucker, what are you going to do nerd?!" He flicked Clyde's forehead.
I think that's when Clyde realized he was wearing his glasses and had a baggy t-shirt on.
  I looked around nervously, we couldn't have much people noticing us. Someone might notice Clyde's bite marks.
  Sebastian ran up with Clyde.
"Oh? Nerd?! You think that's funny?! Piece of shit!" Clyde punched him right across the jaw.
The guy literally fell back two feet.
It got the attention of the other gang members.
I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, I've only seen Clyde this mad once. He can't be stopped when he like this.
    Sebastian locked me into the van, "STAY! IM GETTING CLYDE!"
I hit the windows, Sebastian what were you doing?!?
I had to watch helplessly.
Sebastian tried to drag Clyde away but he shoved him back. Then I realized Clyde's wings emerged from his back though this time much longer. Same with his fangs. It wasn't just two sharp teeth. It was a set of pointing teeth on top and bottom of his mouth.
   Oh no.
The woman was in shock, the gangs looked scared.
Sebastian ran over to the woman and helped her up.
"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked.
She looked right at Sebastian and knocked his hat off, "THEY ARE THE FREAKS GET OUT OF OUR HOME!" She screamed and ran off.
I was forced to watch Clyde fight the gang, till they realized they couldn't win against him. So they ran off yelling horrible names to us.
I managed to get the car door unlocked.
I ran up to Clyde and grabbed his hand.
  "What were you thinking?! We could be caught!"
Then it hit me.
Clyde's been bubbling up his emotions this whole trip.
He was visiting his mom he thought was dead. He was seeing the humans who chased him out of his home.
And he was trying to protect us.

"Clyde, it's okay to be scared." I whispered to him.

Clyde took a deep breath and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Good, because I'm pretty fucking scared."

- H

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