Hate my life.

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Tonight was a mistake.
It made me realize what I was.

Damn it. Death seems like a treat.

I sat with Wolfie on my couch. It was about 9:30 now, just us hanging out  with loud music playing and the tv on. She was snuggled up to me in the couch and the lighting was dim.
I got bored and started texting Sebastian, it was fun. We probably talked for about a hour. Then Wolfie saw me smiling at my screen.
"Like what you doing?" Wolfie said hoping on me.
I looked up at her and shrugged, "Just texting people." And I  went back to texting.
Frustrated I wasn't giving her all my attention she began pressing herself against me and we began making out. About 30 seconds into it my phone buzzed again. Before I could grab it, Wolfie snatched it out of my hands. And read the notification.
Sebastian😛: Lmao yeah! You and Beji seem to be getting along its awesome! What do you really think about her, lol?
I could see Wolfie turn angry. Before she could say anything on how I was texting "the geek" about "the freak" I pressed myself against her, I whispered something in her ear, she bit her lip and kissed me.
"Let me get cleaned in the bathroom." I said biting my lip and walking to the bathroom.
She waved and smiled and I left.
When I got back I noticed my phone was in a different spot. The notification was gone which means someone opened it.
My palms got sweating, "Did you touch my phone?" I asked.
She twirled her hair and snapped her gum, "Nooo..." She said looking away.
"Give me that!" I took it from the couch and looked at the conversation. Wolfie wrote horrible stuff about Beji to Sebastian pretending to be me.

I froze.

"What the fuck? Are you on fucking drugs?! What the hell!" I screamed.
She giggled, "I'm sick of you talking to those nerds." She replied angrily,
I slumped to the ground, "This isn't fucking funny, here I am going to make things straight. " I said rubbing my eyes.
Wolfie grabbed my phone, "No-! No you aren't! I'm so fucking sick of her! She isn't sexy! You guys fucking kissed! Clyde what the hell!" She yelled. With one jerking throw she smashed my phone.
"What the hell! You piece of shit!" I screamed, "Get out!" I demanded.

With that she left.

Who was I? Why was I dating Wolfie? Why was I hanging out with people like this?
I was thinking, I didn't do that stuff.
My skin turned tan, my teeth sunk in. My hair turned dark brown again. When I turned sad I turned human looking again. It hasn't happened for years.
Beji was my world.
Sebastian was my best friend.
I sat in the silence for a bit till I heard a aggressive knock at my door.
I opened the door to Sebastian and Sharky with a shook up look.
"What?" Is all I could spit out.
"My foster dad! He is coming!" Sebastian spit out.
"We need you to scare him off! Use your kick-ass powers!" Sharky yelled.
I looked at my tan human like hands.
"I can't." I felt a tear run down my face.
I heard a loud roar of a car.
"He is here!" Sebastian cried.
I let them in. Soon the car pasted by and Sebastian and Sharky were safe.

Sebastian was mad at me. He didn't look at me. Or even ask why I couldn't use my powers or why I looked human. Nor did Sharky.

I knew I screwed up. I lost Sharky, Sebastian, Wolfie and Beji. I lost everyone.



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