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I felt my heart stop beating. The minute Clyde told me that he was going with Drip made me anxious. I wanted to throw his hand off of me. I can't believe I was in love with Clyde ever since I saw him and now he's leaving with Drip. I need an answer. Why was he leaving? Did he like Drip? Did he?

"Wait so do you..." Before I could finish my sentence he walked away. I caught up to him and gripped his arm
His neck was extremely red.
"Do you like her?"
He stopped in his steps.
"We..." He paused.
"We are girlfriend and boyfriend."
I couldn't believe it. I knew something was up.
"Clyde. What the fuck" I said calmly "Why would you flirt with me if you're dating someone."
"You're acting like you don't care. I thought you liked me." He said dramatically
"I love you Clyde. But if she's your girlfriend then don't flirt with other girls. You have to be loyal." I said
"Why are you giving me advice? You're supposed to be mad?" He over exaggerated.
"I want you to be happy. If you're dating I'm fine with it. I'm kinda hurt but...whatever sprinkles your donuts." I shrugged.
He smirked and walked away.
I was a little hurt.


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