A Walk Through the Unexplainable

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Some things you just can't explain.

I understand that. I know that I can't explain why no one wanted me in foster care, besides the fact that I'm a demon. I don't really understand why everyone is so resentful and unkind. But one thing I really can't explain is the fact that Beij was talking to Clyde. I heard her tell the truth about Clyde, how he pushes everyone away. I heard everything, and I saw it too. I see a lot, and I see too much.
Before school, my newest foster parents made me take a walk, to get me out of the house or something. Like I said before, I really enjoy walks, so I didn't really mind. I took a peaceful walk through the nearby woods, just thinking about school, homework, all that. But then I saw something strange. I squinted me eyes to see what it was. Right across from the gravel path I was walking on, there seemed to be movement in the bushes. With caution, I slowly moved to where I heard the sound. Leaves were scattered about the path, and it looked like twigs were snapped. I pushed a branch away, and what I saw was quite peculiar.
"Sharky? What are you doing out here?" I cocked my head in puzzlement. I scanned the small clearing where apparently Sharky was camping or something. A sleeping bag was sprawled in the corner, and a tent was all set up. A few small plastic tables with some dish ware were neatly set up.
"Oh, well, hey Sebastian!" Sharky perked up.
"What the heck are you doing out here?!" I asked. Sharky smiled.
"What does it look like man?! I'm living in the woods of course!" Sharky then beckoned me into the small clearing, or his "campsite." I stepped through he bushes, swatting away twigs and small trees. "Did your parents kick you out? You can stay at my house if you want. My foster parents really don't care if I'm dying on the side of the road, or if I left the country so I'm sure they won't mind if you stayed with me." Sharky blinked.
"Really?! That would be awesome! Well you see, my parents don't exactly live with me, because they left a few years ago. So I have to take care of myself, you see?" Wow. Sharky has been living out here, all by himself? And his parents abandoned him? Pity swelled in my heart. "It would be awesome if you lived with me! But we would have to share a room." Sharky wasn't even fazed. He just had this bright smile that lit up the whole room. "Wow Seb, we could be roommates!!" I smiled a real, true smile. We hugged, and I told him we could set up my forgotten ping pong table, or do homework together. It felt weird opening up to someone, but I'm glad I have a friend. After Sharky cleaned up his campsite, we walked to school. It was my first time walking to school with an actual friend. I smiled at the ground, and watched as Sharky proceeded to fall into a ditch.


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