Ping pong

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Everyone is really lost. We all are own shrugging inner demons. Some more than others.
I mean I'm not saying it was easy for me to get rejected and beat up and throw up blood to try to get the temptation of drinking blood away.  I'm not saying it was easy for Beji to move schools. And I'm definitely not saying it is easy for Sebastian to show up to school everyday. But what I am trying to say is we have each other. I know this is going to sound not like me but I think we need to join our fears and sadnesses to become happy. But everyone is sacred of each other's demons.
For once in my life I've been trying to be the positive one. Sebastian and Beji are hurting. I want to help them.
"So, what is it like living with Sharky?" I asked Sebastian. We were playing ping pong in the basement of the school.
"It's really fun actually, we definitely have fun." He said concentrating on the ball.
"Hmh, what's it like sharing a bathroom? Do you guys share a bed room? Is that good?" I asked.
Sebastian's eyes grew big and he let the ping pong ball bounce past him. He blushed madly.
"Clyde what kind of fucking question is that?! We don't share a bedroom!" He yelled but also laughed a bit.
I laughed and put my hands up.
"Chill.. I was just wondering." I said laughing.
He went to pick up his bag laughing and shaking his head. He whispered pervert once.
"Hey, what do you think of Drip by the way?" I asked.
He raised one eyebrow, "I don't know.. It's really confusing.. She's awesome around us. But she can't be trusted around Beji."
I frowned.
"Man you have it good." I said to him.
"What? Why?" He asked confused.
"Well you have a nice relationship and good grades! I mean I want your life!" I laughed a bit. My past self would never say stuff like that.
"I don't have it good! Your life is perfect! I want your life!" He demanded.
"Whoa. Why? I suck!  I always mess up! I can't even pass math!" I said confused.
"Well you get all the attention for girls! And guys I guess. Anyway, everyone likes you! You can do whatever you want! No one is watching you or breathing down your back!" He stated.
A bit my fangs on my lip and rolled my eyes.
"Not true. Let's just agree to disagree?"
"Fine. Okay well! I'll see you later! I got to study for the test! Later Clyde!" He waved.
I waved back and thought, "everyone wanted stuff other people had." It was funny how we worked.
Just then Sharky came down the stairs.
"Hey Clyde! Is Sebastian here?" He smiled.
"No he just left." I said.
"Okay! Well thanks!" He started for the door.
"Wait- do you have a minute?" I asked nervously.
"Uh yeah, what's up?" He asked confused.
"I don't think I ever said sorry for how I treated you. I'm really sorry Sharky." I blushed.
He smiled, "It's okay man! Old times! Thanks for apologizing though!" He let a bigger smile.
"Thanks Sharky you are awesome. Oh and by the way, I think Sebastian is a little sad but he would feel weird if I confronted him. Can you do it for me?" I asked shyly.
" Of Course! I can do that! I'll talk later!" He went up the stairs and waved.
When I was packing to go another person came down the stairs. It was Drip.
"Hey Clyde." She said and walked her way down the stairs.
"Oh hey Dr-" before I could finished Drip pulled me up for a kiss. We kissed deeply for a bit then she pulled away.
"The school dance is coming up, I hope to see you." She smiled.
"Oh.. Uh.." I thought of Beji.
She moved her finger down my chest, "You aren't thinking of Beji are you?" She frowned.
"No." I lied.
"Good. Hey my apartment is free tonight. See you then?" She asked.
"Maybe, listen I got stuff to do. I'll talk later." I said walking away.
I wish Drip would act normal again, it was weird. I've never went farther than kissing her, I really just wanted her as a friend.


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