Ice cream

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I couldn't believe what Clyde said. Right after he told me he's going with Drip my ears popped. I couldn't stand Drip. I deeply hated the aura she gave off when I was around her. She gave of a slutty aura.

Now I don't know who to go with. I don't know how to tell my mom. I just wanted to go home, cry to her about it, eat ice cream, throw in a bathbomb and relax. I was done with Drips bullshit.

The only thing I needed to figure out is if Drip asked him or if Clyde asked Drip. If Clyde asked her then that's automatically signaling that Clyde doesn't love me. I love Clyde. I said it. I do I seriously love him. I'm in love with a vampire but he might not love me back.

I walked out into the cold after last period and headed home. The wind made my nose turn a rosemary color as I rushed down the mossy path that lead to the front gate of our school. Clyde caught up to me.
"Hey! What's the rush beautiful?" He blurted
I gulped
"Um I'm just heading home." I started to put my hair in a messy top knot with the hair tie that was around my wrist.
"Were you okay today? You seemed a little melancholic." That was a big word for Clyde to say. He's changed.
"Of course I'm fine." I said, forming fists.
"Uh...ok-kkay." His words trailed off. I could tell he knew something was up. "Who's your date?" He asked.
"No one...yet." I could feel a ball forming in my throat as I stepped over a crack in the path to my house. "Did Drip ask you?" I blurted. Wrong moment.
"Why does it matter?!" He snapped back. I flinched.
"Listen I'm gonna go." What else was I supposed to say? As I trailed off across the street at the perfect moment I heard Clyde respond.
"Wait Beij I didn't mean it like that." He tried to follow me as he nearly got hit by a car. I looked back and saw a car heading straight for him. I spun around and grasped his hand and pulled him onto the side walk.
"Are you fucking insane?! Don't do that again, Clyde." I yelled as I jerked his hand away from mine.
"Jesus, sorry. I didn't mean what I said" he replied.
"Clyde it's fine I understand just...go home." I walked away.
I didn't know where he went.
I opened the door of my house and dropped my backpack. The first thing I did was ball my eyes out in the middle of the entry way. My mom rushed over and hugged me.
"What did he say?" She cried in excitement.
"HE'S GOING WITH THAT SLUT DRIP!" I screeched. My brother was in the living room laughing.
I collapsed on the ground. I was done. I was so done.
"Ugh I knew this would happen. You're lucky I didn't eat all the ice cream." My brother yelled.
I rushed up to my room and changed into a sweatshirt and sweat pants. I stuffed my face in my pillow and screamed, leading into a weep. I heard my door rip open. My brother threw 3 to true boxes at my legs on my bed.
"Sooooo I'm having a girl over today... Please shut up"  he trailed off so my mom couldn't hear him.
I held my head up.
"You're what? A girl is actually coming over to our house for you?" I asked, chuckling.
"Okay she's a friend." He said seriously.
"If you guys are gonna make out eat a mint or something" I replied
He stormed out of my room with a groan that turned into a screech.
My phone lit up right as my mom came in with blankets and ice cream. It was a snapchat from Clyde. I opened it
"Drip asked me"


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