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The party last night was crazy. Like bigger than usual. And of course since I have no self control I got drunk. I full on passe out and now I don't remember anything. I woke up next to my girlfriend in a room we stole, she was still asleep. I put on my pants and shirt and went to the bathroom to fix my hair, as I was fixing it up I remembered I forgot something. Oh no. Beji!! How did she get home?? I ran outside and my car was still there. Ugh I'm such a horrible person!! I put on my coat and gave her a text,
Me: Beji I'm soo sorry how did you get home??
I waited.
Beji: Ohh haha. I got a ride home from Sebastian..
Me: Ahh!! I'm literally so sorry!
Beji: Yeah, I had to go find him through everyone.. I really didn't want to disturb you and you're girlfriend..
Me: Beji I'm really sorry.
She didn't reply after that. I felt this rush of guilt. Not just for Beji. For Sebastian. He was a nice guy, he was the responsible one. He should have taken Beji, I felt horrible. Why was I so mean? He was right she doesn't like people like me. I hate myself.
That day at school it was really awkward between me and Beji. We tried have conversations but it was forced. It was a long day. Towards the end I grabbed my backpack and headed over to Sebastian who was loading his locker. I put my hand on the locker to his left. "Hey." He flinched, I think he thought I was trying to beat him up.
I grabbed his book and gave it to him, "Thanks for taking Beji home. I was going to.." He butted in, "But you were drunk as hell." I glared at him "Listen I also..' I hesitated, "I always wanted to say sorry for how I treated you."   I spit out.
He stared at me. "wait.. You are sorry? Did you just.." I rolled my eyes and Blushed, "Listen are you deaf or something??!? I said I was sorry! Holy fuck! Geez! It's not that big of a deal!" I shoved this books to him and put my hands in my pocket, he still stared in shock, "I.. Forgive.. You?" He loaded his backpack then stood up, "I forgive you. But you made Beji really uncomfortable. Apparently you said some nasty stuff.. Don't apologize to me.." He headed off. I was dead quiet. I was a  idiot. Great. No wonder Beji wasn't talking to me. I needed to make this less awkward.
That night I texted her,
Me: Beji. Please don't hate me. I didn't mean any of that weird stuff I sent.
She left me on read for a bit. I held my breath then she replied.
Beji: Yeah. You were pretty drunk.
Me: Can I make it up 2 you?
Beji: Clyde it's fine.
Me: No it's not.
Beji: You aren't the first guy to harass me.
Me: Listen, what's your house address?
Beji: What..
Me: Never mind. It's already on my phone. I'll be over in a second.
Beji: Wait what???
I didn't really have a Plan I just wanted to see her and make sure everything was okay.
I knocked on her door and she opened it, "You actually came to my house.." I shrugged, "Hi. I just have something for you." She lead me inside and I noticed she left her room door open. I sat on her bed and opened a small box, her room was full of lights and posters of space. "It's just a lame necklace my mother ( who died hundreds of years ago ) gave me, it's actually dust from the universe.." I handed it to her, she just stares at it. "Uh.. I figured It could remind you of home.." She smiled a hugged me, "Thank you.." When she let go of me our faces almost touched, I felt like we were going to kiss till we both backed off. She moved her hair and blushed, "Thanks Clyde. I forgive you. Thanks for helping when I was getting beat up. You've helped a lot." She looked me in the eyes and smiles "You are a really nice guy."
I looked down. It was the first time anyone had said that to me.


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