Bottle It Up

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Take a deep breath. Bottle it up. Got to show them you can protect them.
I basically haven't relaxed in the past week. So many worries.
They had no idea when they were asleep I was drinking and smoking on the roof of the van.
I guess I calmed down when I was with everyone. I did discover I love children. I also discovered Beij thought I lost my edge.
When she said it I was like bitch what the fuc- oh wait.
I actually was a bit in shock, I was a huge softy. But I didn't have time to worry about that when I saw some people attacking a woman.
I have this vampire thing that when I can't control my anger I get full on monster. Mouth full of sharp teeth, white eyes and huge wings.
Not my most attractive self.
When I tried to stop the fight I let all my worries, fears, anger and doubt spill out of me. I've never been that uncontrolled in forever.
"Clyde!" Sebastian grabbed my shoulder to calm me down.
Soon Beij broke out of the car and told me it was okay to be scared.
I think hearing that made everything seem to fade.
I was so caught up in showing them I was okay that I never realized I was breaking myself. I gave Beij a long nice kiss before Sebastian awkwardly tapped my shoulder.
"Um, look over there.."
I turned my head to see a guy with grocery bags falling out of his arms. His mouth was wide open.
I cleared my throat, "Did you ju-"
He dropped all this groceries, "OH MY GOD I SAW IT ALL AHHHH" he screamed. The weird thing was he wasn't scared. He was excited.
He ran up to me, I got a good look at him, India, really short, purple hair and chubby.
"My dad is a police officer! I should report you!"
I glanced at Sebastian and he shrugged.
"Listen, please don't do that." I sighed.
He smiled and pulled something out of his bag, "Okay! I won't! As long as you sign this!" He smiled and pointed at me.
I shrugged, "Okay.. I mean that's not to bad.."
"Here you go!" He said pulling out a Twilight Poster, "Please sign this beautiful vampire!"
"Hell no!" I jumped back.
Beij pulled me back and smilied at the stranger, "Excuse me and my friend."
She slammed me against a brick wall, "What the hell just sigh the poster! He obviously likes vampires and stuff!"
I rolled my eyes annoyed, "Twilight is the stupidest thing ever! I mean who wants to hear about a attractive vampire who has a cold side but that all changes when he meet a girl! It's so stupid!"
Beij grabbed my shirt, "If you don't sign the damn poster I swear to god Clyde!"
I glared at her, "Fine."
    We walked out and greeted the stranger.
"Omg I can't believe I'm meeting a real vampire! You are so tall and wow you have a great face! Can you take off your shirt?!" He almost screamed.
"Thank you. And no, my chest does not glow. What's your name kid?" I sighed and started to sign the poster.
   "Frank, and I'm not a kid. I'm 21." He smiled.
"Holy sh- you are like 5"3 though." I took a good look at him to make sure he wasn't lying.
"5"4 actually, yes he purple hair and chubbiness kinda throws people off. People in middle school used to bully me about looking real young." He sighed but smiled again.
I felt a bit of pity for him.
"Okay Frank, here you go." I smiled and gave it to him.
He held it to his chest,
"Thank you so much!! I never thought I would meet a real vampire! Say, what are you even doing here?"
I looked at Beij and Sebastian they just shrugged, "Finding a old family member, she lives in New England." I shrugged.
"Omg I live in New England! I was just going back on the bus!"
Beij put her hand on his shoulder, "Wait, the bus? That's horrible! Where do you sleep?"
He shrugged, "Oh, that doesn't matter. The park is kinda comfortable."
Beij gave me this look, I knew what she was going to say.
"You can travel with us!" She smiled.
"Beij wait-"
Sebastian butted in, "Yeah totally!"
So here was were staying in a hotel with this random guy.
When it got time to go to bed, I took a shower and put on my boxer shorts. I was happy to finally look like a vampire again.
I tried to rush to my bed before anyone noticed me in only boxers but Sebastian stopped me.
"Hey Clyde-OH. Lovely outfit choice." He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and began putting my luggage away, "Oh come on you've seen me in only a towel. Don't give me that."
He sat on my bed, "Ha, your right. Have you seen Frank?"
I looked around the room, "No, I don't think so. Beij is showing him around the van. She just texted me. Hey am I bruise from the fight?"
Sebastian looked at my back, "Oh yeah, I'll get some ice."
He came back with a frozen bag wrapped in a towel, "Here ya go," he pressed it against my back.
I felt a chill, also I low key felt awkward sitting in my boxers in front of Sebastian while he takes care of my bruised back.
Just then Beij and Frank burst in the room.
"What are you two doing?" Beij laughed and put her coat on her bed.
I pushed him away and laughed, "Nothing gay."
Sebastian seemed confused with the comment.
I couldn't sleep, so I went to the roof for a smoke. But surprisingly I found Sebastian sitting on the edge of the roof.
"Hey? You okay?" I sat down next to him.
He jumped in his seat, "Oh! Hey."
It was quiet for a bit. I lit a cigarette.
"What's on your mind?" I asked.
Sebastian was quiet. Then he spoke.
"It's really stupid. It's super awkward."
I smiled and offered him a cigarette, "continue."
He shook his hand on the offer for the cigarette, "a lot of the times I feel like you are uncomfortable around me. I'm bi. I like guys, I'm dating a guy. You know I had feelings for you. When you had to clear up that it wasn't gay earlier, I don't know.. are you like embarrassed of me?" He sighed and only looked at his hands.
I was shook at what he said, I never was ever embarrassed.
"No!! Seriously never have I ever felt that way! I mean- yeah sometimes I see you check me out but I'm frankly honored!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, "It's not weird. I'm really happy on the person you've become."
He smiled and moved my arm off him, "I have a boyfriend." He joked.
I laughed and lit my cigarette.
Later that night I looked at Frank. I shouldn't have been that hard on him. He's just like us, just a little dorky. He reminded me of myself. Sebastian reminded me that everyone is different. I think I'll like this guy.


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