Beach love

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It's so funny how far we've came.
At the beginning , Sebastian was a nerd who only was with himself, Beij was the new girl getting beat up. I was the guy that beat people up and deepened my feelings every minute. I remember my first eye contact with Beij, she was getting picked on in the hallway, I broke through the crowd. And bam, I knew my future was going to have her.
I smiled of the thought, life changed so much.
I wrapped my arms around Beij and smiled, we were watching Twilight for the 4th time this trip. Franks face lit up with excitement every time we all agreed to watch it.
" I mean look at that guy! I know for a fact I cannot stop a moving bus!" I joked and pointed at the screen.
" I can" Beij and Sebastian said in unison.
I rolled my eyes and laughed,
"Yeah, but that's only when you become crazy."
"Like when Beij almost killed Drip?" Sebastian brought up.
"Ughhhh...!" I grumbled, "I forgot she existed till now. I wonder how she is doing."
Beij made a face, "Probably a prostitute."
"Who are you guys talking about?" Frank asked.
"Hey!" Sebastian jumped in and smiled.
I patted his head,
"Don't worry demon boy, no one thinks you're like Drip."
After the movie I got up to drive, the sky was just setting.
"Oh this is my favorite song!" I turned up the radio.
"You should sing! You aren't getting out of it this time!" Beij poked my nose.
"Yeah! Me and Frank both heard you a few nights ago!" Sebastian budded his head in the front.
I felt my ears get hot, "Guys I literally don't sing!"
I wasn't always like that, my mom had a beautiful voice. And I guess I got that. I used to make a effort to work at it, but if you are in a abusive boys home with no friends or family you lose interest in stuff like that.
Plus I hate singing, especially in front of people.
"Please please please please please" they all kept repeating knowing I'll break.
"Holy shit fine!" I barked.
They got quiet.
I rubbed my forehead,
"Well what should I sing?" So much for not singing again.
"Oh! Death of the Bachelor!" Frank yelled.
"Oh! yeah!!" Sebastian smiled.
I covered my face,
"Okay.. fine." I mumbled.
Thankfully I noticed we were passing a beach.
"Guys a beach! We should stop!" I pointed changing the topic.
"Hey that will be fun! It's so pretty out! The sun setting looks great on the water!" Frank added.
"Well, then lets go!" I rushed out of the car.
Me and Sebastian started changing at the back of a shed. My swimsuit was a plain black one, Sebastian had a sea green one with a shark on it.
"Did Sharky give you that?" I smiled and grabbed my towel.
He blushed and looked down,
"Nah it just reminds me of him." He smiled.
I patted him on the back,
"You really like him don't ya?"
"Yeah, I've Facetimed him every moment I got on this trip."
"I actually think he would get along with Frank."
"Speaking of Frank have you seen him? And Beij?"
I looked around, "Oh there he is with his towel! Oh and look Beij!" I pointed at them.
Beij ran up to me and I got a good look at her swimsuit.
A light green bikini with black lining on it.
I guess I was staring because Beij awkwardly laughed,
"Stop looking at me! I feel weird in this!" She laughed and pushed my face away.
"Well damn sorry if you're hot!" I smiled.
She rolled her eyes and grinned,
"Ill meet you at the beach." And she took off.
Sebastian placed his hand on my shoulder, "Real smooth Clyde." He joked.
I jumped in the water. My body loves the cold. Most vampires do, I take cold showers and Wolfie used to tease me all the time.
" Come on Beij it's only water!" I grabbed her hand trying to drag her in.
"STOP AHHH MY LEGS!" She screamed and laughed.
Finally I gave her a final tug and she fell on top of me.
Her hair was all over her face, "Stop being stupid Clyde." She kissed my nose.
I laughed and helped her off of me.
I looked at her wet hair all stuck to her beautiful eyes, her dorky smile.
I felt myself engulfed in her, how smart she was, how she curled her nose when ever something funny happened, how she spoke her mind.
"Wow. I'm so in love with you." I whispered.
"Cause I can't help falling in love with you.." she sung back.
"Only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love you.." I sung back.
Soon we were singing the song.
I felt engulfed in her, soon she stopped singing. But I kept singing till I noticed she stopped.
"DIRTY BASTARD!" I felt myself blush, "YOU ONLY SANG SO I WOULD!"
"You got me there." She grinned.
My smile grew, I knew Sebastian and Frank were watching this whole thing.
I kissed Beij, a nice long kiss so she closed her eyes.
Then I poured water all over her.
"Payback fucker." I joked.
"Idiot!" She laughed and shoved me.

I was so in love with her.


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