Weird Habits/ Almost There

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I was falling extremely hard for Clyde.
I realized why it was so hard in the beginning, we both never had a stable relationship. We didn't know how to function.
But now, our relationship is growing faster than anyone could see.
But the only thing is Clyde's only seen the "perfect" Beij.
I'm actually a really weird person. I was scared that when he found out about some of my weird quirks he would be uncomfortable around them.
It all changed last night.
I have lots of weird quirks- one of them being I have to fall asleep with plugs in my nose because I snore EXTREMELY loud. I stay up till everyone fell asleep and I would put them in. I looked stupid.
But then one night I woke up extremely thirsty. I got up, the windows on the van lit up because of the moon.
We would usually stay in a hotel but we really need to work on saving all this money so we started sleeping some nights in the van.
I put on my robe and stepped over Frank who was passed out on the floor.
I walked into the kitchen and looked for water, "Damn it," I mumbled, "It's so dark in here."
I leaned over to turn on a light switch, I flicked it on.
"Ah, there." I said in my goofy voice because of my nose plugs.
"Ughh, what?"
I turned around to see Clyde asleep on a tables chair.
Does no one sleep on a bed here???
I almost screamed. Clyde got up rubbing his eyes.
"What's wrong Beij? Nightmare?" Clyde walked up to me, he was still half asleep.
"Don't look at me!" I whispered.
He was awake now.
"What? Why?!"
"Ugh!" My ears felt hot. I looked horrible, my hair was a mess, I wore a old t-shirt with a stain on it and worse of all, my nose plugs remained in.
Clyde moved my hand from my face,
"Are you alright??" He said in a weird voice.
Suddenly I forgot about my nose plugs. Clyde had some weird thing over his mouth!
"What is that?!" I smiled and pointed at him.
"FUCK!" Clyde fell back and was now covering his face, "ITS NOTHING!"
I giggled, "Show me!"
Then he realized my nose plugs, "What are those!"
I got quite. It was a dead silence for about 5 seconds, we stared directly at each other.
Suddenly Clyde started laughing. Which made me smile and start laughing.
He tucked his hair behind his ear, "Haha, I'm sorry. Um, I didn't realize I had this in. It's.. a.." he blushed, "I know I look stupid! But I may or may not have a fear I'll bite down on my lip in my sleep with my fangs... so.. I have to wear this..." He said awkwardly.
I couldn't help but smile, Clyde wasn't perfect.
  I leaned my head on him, "This is for my snoring... I know I look horrible.. but I snore really loud." I mumbled.
He laughed, "We both look stupid. Just.. can you promise not to tell anyone about this..?" He smiled.
  I grabbed his arm, "As long as you don't tell anyone about my snoring." I joked.
"Deal it is princess." He laughed.
  "Well, I'm going to bed." I pushed my hair from my face, "Goodnight Clyde. I love you."
He kissed the top of my forehead, "You look hotter than you ever have before. Those nose plugs.. really turning me on.." he joked.
I shoved his arm, "Shut up! Making me blush!" I joked.
And with that I headed to bed, with a long smile across my face.
That's when I knew Clyde would love me no matter how weird I could get. And I'm the same.  It made my heart dance the whole night.
The next morning Clyde was trying to keep it cool but we were a hour away from his moms house. He wore a nice white shirt with black pants. He refused to take out his earrings or cover his tattoo because "my mom better love me for the emo I have become" Clyde said.
Everyone was extremely nervous. My hands were sweating every house we passed.
I couldn't imagine how Clyde felt. He didn't want to smoke to help his nerves because he didn't want to smell like smoke when he met his mom.
"Okay so if my mom had me at 15.. she must be 33 now.." Clyde said walking back and forth on the van.
"Wow, she's young. Clyde don't over think this whole thing... everything will work out.." Sebastian patted his back.
Frank gave him is special home made deserts so he could calm down.
But Clyde didn't eat anything. Or say anything.

Then we pulled up into his moms house.

It was a country white house with planets growing on the sides. A cherry tree sat next to the house.

I grabbed Clyde's hand.
"Whatever happens, I'll be here. I love you- we all love you."

Clyde didn't seem to hear me, he let go of my hand and walked up to the door acting dazed.

And we knocked.

Clyde's waited his whole life.

This moment will change his life.

Please, Clyde's been broken way to much, he will not be able to take this. Spare his heart. He just wants happiness.


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