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On the way out of The Alley I made eye contact with Sebastian. He looked hurt. You know what I fucking hated about Sebastian and Beji? They could see right through me like glass. They didn't spend their time caught up in the crowd, they had time to think. They had time to notice my sorrowful eyes.        

My mom said I had them. I remember her telling me, "Clyde you have eyes that really show emotions. That will be your weakness. Everyone will know you suffer when you do. Stand up for yourself." I remember looking her deep in the eyes. My mother was a beautiful artist who just wanted to live life. One night she got pregnant with a vampire. And with the universe against us I was born fully vampire.
My mom was a human.
I remember she got chased around when she went in the village and she cried hiding because she had a vampire as a son. One day they killed my father and came after my mother, she let me sneak out through the back. Her last words were "Clyde run! Don't stop! Stand up for yourself! Because you are important!" And she was gone.
I got lost in my thoughts. I didn't want anyone to read me. Beji and Sebastian could read me. And that scared me. I felt the only way to not be scared was be so mean to them that they fear looking me in the eyes.
On my way home the city was lit up, young couples laughed and held hands, the moon was out and shining right on me. I let my wings come out and I flew to a building. I don't know why but I changed my appearance to how I would look as a human. Vampires could do that. It was uncomfortable though and everyone could still see the bite marks. I sat on the top of a tower looking down. Then out of the blue Sebastian walks by. What the fuck it's like 3 in the morning.
I flew down. I landed right in front of him. He jumped and his eyes flashed red for a second. I put my hands in my pockets and glared at him, "What are you doing out  so late? Doesn't your momma want you home, freak?" His eyes got large then he took a deep breath, "I can't sleep. Now that you know about my powers, do you know if the teachers find out about how powerful I am I could die? No one like demons." I lit a cigarette and glared, "What, you think I will tell someone?" He didn't answer. He just tried walking passed me. I grabbed his coat and pulled him back, "Wait." I said pulling him back, "What do you want?" I hesitated then grabbed his shirt,
"Why did you say that stuff about me?" I spit out.
He looked confused, "I didn't say anything about you. I don't talk bad about people"
I gripped his shirt tighter "No stupid, you said you thought I was a good person." I almost blushed in saying it.
He looked surprised it was hard to make out his face in the dark, "What? You mean I said you were a better person? Oh. Clyde I think we both know you don't want to be mean. Me and Beji know you want to be nice, but you can't. We know you like Beji." I blushed and loosen his shirt, he continued talking, "You gave Beji that necklace. We know it meant a lot to you. I can see the sorrow in your eyes. Clyde, I can see the pain in your eyes, I can see the guilt. Your eyes show it." He pauses and looked down, I let go of his shirt. I can see the pain. I don't know why but I smacked Sebastian across the face, the way a did to that bully. He hit the ground hard, blood dripped from his face. He started crying, "What are you like this..?" I almost started crying but I turned around, "If you ever say that stuff again consider yourself dead. I hope you fucking keep to yourself freak." I ran away, tears burned up. I locked myself in my room and cried my way through the night.
I think Sebastian got sick of my act.  the next day he got mad at me which totally caught me off guard.
I saw Beji wearing my necklace which made me happy but she took if off. I felt a fire burn inside me. I went up to her angry
"Hey? Why'd you take that off?" I came up behind her. She acted calm and didn't look at me, "Im taking if off for gym. " I knew for a fact it was a lie. I got mad and punched the locker, she lied to me. Why the fuck would she go to school with it on if she was going to take it off?? 
" Why don't you just keep it on?" I said angrily she replied calm again, "Because, it's my decision. Plus you been talking bad about me. I thought I trusted you."
My face turned hot, "what?" She looked hurt.
"Your girlfriend told me. You said I was a freak. Thanks. I thought you were a good person." My heart hurt. I turned my sadness into anger.
"My dumb fuck girlfriend! Listen she is the problem!!
She turned and looked me right down my sorrowful eyes, "No you are the problem! Clyde the world doesn't work around you! People have feelings!" I felt something die. She thought I was a good person. She truly believed I was. Now she hates me.
I punched the locker, "Listen let me explain myself!" She looked at me brave but scared. Before she could respond Sebastian yelled out
"Get away from him, come with me." I froze. I knew she was going to him. Sebastian was a better person.

There was a long pause.

Sebastian was smart. Too smart. He got me. Fuck.

- H

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