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Why do I do this. Why is it every time I hang out with Clyde I automatically be friendly. I need to remember that he's not who I though he was. But I can't.

I sat in my bed on my phone looking thoroughly at all my social media a until I got a dm on Twitter.

It was from Sebastion.

"Hey Beij. Um...lets just get to the point" I read off my screen.
"What's wrong?" I immediately replied.
He sent me an attachment.
My legs started to shake. When people I don't usually talk to send me a message out of the blue I get scared. I could feel my veins rushing cold blood.
Aliens don't bleed.
I opened the attachment and there was three screenshots of DMs between Sebastion and Clyde on Twitter.
I read:
Clyde: Listen I don't actually like her. I mean she's so creepy.
Sebastion: Then why do you always hang out with her?
Clyde: Well only because she's my tutor and I don't wanna ruin my grades? After she did the weird thing in the hallway and snapped at me, I no longer trust her. She's just weird and she's rude. The way she talked to me in the hallway.
Sebastion: wow.
Clyde: please don't tell her I said this stuff, Sebastion.

And that was it.

I can't believe him. I can't.


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