The old letter.

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I was back.
And I couldn't be happier.
Vampires are literally known for being miserable creatures that literally suck the life out of you.
But I was happy.
I don't regret leaving Drip behind at all. It took me a bit to realize life isn't in the past. Me and Drip were inseparable as kids. I thought I couldn't make it without her. I loved her. I wanted nothing but her. But that was the past, people change. Drip grew up and realized she had boobs, I grew up and realized I wasn't a complete  shit bag.
Now, all I wanted was Beij. I stared at her in class, with a dumb grin over my face. This time she smiled back, she laughed with me.
For once I felt like she truly forgave me.
And yes. We are now dating.
I ducked my head on my car wheel, I was smiling so hard. I looked like a giant doofus.
I was picking Beij up to meet Sebastian's new foster parents. I was so happy for the guy, he deserved every bit of it.
Beij opened the car door, "Hey." She smiled and set her purse down.
I grabbed her hand, "My lady."
Beij blushed and moved her hair out of her face.
"I love ya." She smiled and kissed my check.
When we got there Sebastian's parents greeted us with big arms.
"Is this Clyde??! Wow! Are you a model?" Sebastian's mom asked boldly.
"Uh, no. I never considered it." I laughed, "Oh and you probably know Beji.. Sebastian's friend and my ummmm.. friend?"
Beji looked a bit surprised by the use of the word friend. But I couldn't use girlfriend, I knew we were getting a lot of snow and in case we get locked in I didn't need them thinking I was going to sleep with Beji.
We headed to the basement, Sharky seemed over excited. I smiled, I had missed his joyful personality for to long.
When someone suggested to play truth or dare I was a bit nervous in all honesty.
But I realized I really trusted these people. So what could go wrong?
First off, I was super surprised to see Sebastian flirt. Like he's my best friend but honestly that guy is a nervous wreck when it comes to sexual kissing and stuff. In fact it was the first time I saw him actually kiss Sharky. Sebastian was blushing a ton, I laughed and whispered in his ear, "Am I pretty?" And he lost it with laughter and a red face. Which brought up a argument.
"Clyde have you literally had a weird love thing with everyone in this room?" Sebastian asked.
"Okay, first. I thought about this, I am not gay, it's just stuff happens because I'm over confident and I'm used to people having slight feelings for me." I shrugged, "But yes." I looked down and rubbed my neck.
Beji rolled her eyes and playfully punched me.
I grabbed her hand, wrapped my fingers around hers and got lost in a kiss.
It felt so good to kiss her freely, the first time we kissed we were yelling at each other. Yeah our relationship was no perfect ride. But this felt like this is what the universe wanted.
We kissed for probably a minute before Sharky broke us off.
"Haha, calm down guys, Clyde you still haven't said something no one knows about you." He smiled and raised one eyebrow.
I trusted these people, I wanted them to trust me, so I spilled.
"Well, my mom was murdered at 18 for becoming pregnant with a vampire at age 15, I was sent to a boys home that abused me, I ended up being on suicide watch 3 times and yeah. My childhood sucked." I knew I had to tell them. I honestly mostly wanted Sharky and Sebastian to realize why I was so mean and messed up.
They actually took it super well. We talked the whole way through the snow storm. Truth or dare even got really intense, for the first time in my life I saw Sebastian act flirty.
No less the whole night was a success. I drove Beij home the next morning.
I smiled and passed out on my couch.

Till I was woken with a phone call.

"Is this Clyde?" I dark voice asked.
"What- yes? Who is this?"
"The new owner of the boys home. I was cleaning through some stuff. I found something you might want to hear."
I rubbed my eyes.

"A letter. Clyde I don't know if you know this but.." he paused.
"Get on with it!" I snapped.

"The letter was sent a year ago. It got lost in files. Your birth mother is still alive."

I dropped the phone. I started shaking. I felt cold tears stream out of my body.
I hung up and punched the wall, "NO SHE WAS DEAD!! NO SHE WAS MURDER!" I screamed.
I clutched my head and rolled to the ground.
I was overjoyed. But terrified.


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