The Question

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I straighten my streak black hair, I pinned a blood red rose on my vest. I didn't look like a hooligan, or a shady teenager. I looked like a gentleman. I wore a black vest and under it a white long sleeve shirt and work pants.
My greased back hair made my bite marks stand out. I paused in front of the mirror. My bite marks stood out, my teeth made me look like a monster.
Tonight was the school dance. And I was taking Drip.
I bite my lip.
No one would know.
But I'm insecure.
I hated how my fangs stand out, how I'm not tan or dark in the skin. How my hair runs over my eyes. How it's so obvious when I blush. How my eyes express everything.
But tonight i had to suck it up, I wore hoodies and large jackets because I wanted to look like I wasn't trying. So my ugliness would hide. But this outfit showed off everything I hated. But Sebastian and me picked it out.
I texted Sebastian,
"Hi, I don't want to show up in this outfit."
I waited.
My phone vibrated.
"Is it the vest? Dude you look amazing."
I grinned.
Before I could reply my apartment door bell rang.
I raced to the door, I was taking Drip to the dance I reminded myself.
When I opened the door Drip stood in a light blue dress that traced down to her knees, her hair was up in a bun. And had a low v cut.
"Hey." I spit out.
She smiled, "Hey, you look amazing."
I rubbed my neck,
"Really? But thank you. You look stunning as well." I smiled and grabbed her hand.
We entered the gym. Loud music was playing, the party committee actually got into the party this year. Sebastian and Sharky walked up to me wearing matching outfits.
"Hey Clyde." Sebastian waved.
I laughed, "Matching outfits?"
Sebastian looked down and laughed, "It was his idea."
Sharky smiled and complemented Drips dress, then they struck up a conversation.
"Hey.. uh, no reason at all- I was just wondering-"
"Beji is here." Sebastian answered reading my mind.
"Oh! Haha.. it isn't like it mattered!" I laughed and awkwardly straightened my vest.
He raised one eyebrow and gave a confused look.
"Sebastian wanna go visit Beji?" Sharky asked.
"Sure!" Sebastian smiled, we made eye contact for a second. It was probably for a second but it was a "I know you want to see her but it's kinda a bad idea right now"
But before I could ask to go Drip grabbed my hand.
"Clyde, I actually have to tell you something important."
"My dad got a new job, we might have to move again." She spoke sadly.
"What?" I felt my throat get dry.
"Clyde, I know we are both thinking the same thing, when I left all those years ago it was hard. I missed you so much. We missed so many important memories. I know this is a lot to ask, but I don't want to leave you again. Clyde come with me." She spoke softly.
I almost couldn't believe this.
"Drip, I've lived here my whole life."
"And look where you are now." She spoke aggressively.
"Okay. I will go with you." I said bravely.
She screamed and gave me a huge hug.
"Haha calm down." I smiled. I guess this was my future now.
"I got to go call my dad!" She said happily, "I knew we would end up together! Thank you so much!!"
And with that she ran off.
I stood in the middle of the party. I got a sick feeling in my stomach. But she was right. I was going no where at this school. It was time to change.
I decided to get some fresh air, I walked out of the crowed gym, and I kept walking till no one was out of sight.
I found the school stairs, I could hear quite music and people talking from the distance. I just wanted to be alone. But I wasn't. Beji was sitting on the end of the stairs.
"Hey." I bravely spoke.
She didn't turn around.
"Hi Clyde."
I sat down next to her, I put my coat over my shoulders.
"Why aren't you with Sebastian or Sharky?" I asked.
She didn't respond.
It was silent.
"Beij, can I just tell you the second we meet we got off on the wrong track. I mean I was a mess, I basically beat up Sebastian and was a horrible person to Sharky. But times change, you have to forgive me. They forgave me.  Please just trust my judgement." I whispered looking down.
" I don't trust you." She said angrily.
"Why not? Come on I'll tell you something about myself I've never told anyone." I said joking around.
"Fine. Do it."
"Oh? What?"
"Tell me something you never told anyone."
I paused and whipped my sweating palms.
"See? You are just a big secret keeper! You literally just hide everything from everyone! You are a different person to everyone-"
"My mom." I spoke, "My mom was pregnant at 15, she got pregnant with a stranger. Turns out he was a vampire. There was a 70% chance I would turn out human, or at least mostly human. But I was born fully vampire. I didn't even know my mom very well. She was killed for having me before I was 8." I sighed.
Beji put her hand on her chest.
"I'm so sorry Clyde." She genuinely spoke.
I shrugged. "Don't tell anyone."
She leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Is it my turn to tell you something?" She whispered.
I sat uncomfortably, "Uh, you don't have to."
She shrugged, "It's okay." She signed and rubbed her knees, "I've been in love with you since we first made eye contact."
I sat still. My chest felt heavy.
"Me too." I whispered.
I moved her hair out of her bangs, her bright eyes glowed.
"A genuine kiss, I owe you this." I whispered.
I kissed her and moved my head back a bit but she pulled me in.
I let my hands glide through her hair, her soft lips pressed against mine.
It was hard but I pulled my face back. I had to except the fact I was with Drip. I had to tell Beji.

"I'm moving away with Drip." I whispered. Then I gave her a massive hug and ran up the stairs. Leaving her siting at the bottom. I couldn't bare to see her face.


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