Okay then

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When class ended I looked at the guy sitting next to me, I didn't even know his name. He was kinda weird. He didn't have any friends, he didn't talk. When I first came to this school I talked to him and sat next to him for lunch like 2 times. We were The nerds.
But I changed, we don't talk much.

"Haha! Clyde!!" Oh god it was Sharky. Sharky sucks up to me because everyone thinks I'm cool. He follows me everywhere. I could say anything to him. A crowd of guys trailed behind him.
I blinked, "I'm going to pee." And walked away from him. "Oh okay! I'll save you a spot at lunch!" He said acting cool. I just waved up my hand without looking at him.
After I got out I saw a crowd of people in the hallway, weird they should be at lunch. I walked over to get a look at what everyone was looking at, I heard some people yell stop weirdo! I pushed some girl out of the way.
Then I saw her. The new girl. Kneeing on the ground with her books everywhere. People were pushing her around and throwing her books everywhere. She had tears dripping down her face and her palms on her forehead.
I felt anger run through my skin. My face turned red. I shoved everyone out of them way "WHAT THE FUCK LEAVE HER ALONE!" I shoved the guy grabbing and pushed him against the locker. The crowd got quite. And everyone left in groups. No one talked back to me. Morons.
Beji whipped her tears and began trying to get her stuff. I just knelt down and started helping her. It was dead silence.
I gave her her book and helped her up. She blushed and wiped her nose.
"Thank you. I think I sit next to you, Clyde rig-" I cut her off and started walking away. I turned around and we made dead eye contact, "Everyone here sucks. Stay away from them." And that's all I said. She was speechless. I started walking away Beji spoke up, "Vampire." I turned around. "My old home talked about your kind. They said you are dangerous and can take down a whole nation." She was looking directly at me. She was shy but when she wanted a point she made direct eye contact. I liked that about her. "Yeah, that's what I am.. I don't hurt people even though everyone here is a bitch." Her eyes got big like she never heard a person swear. I shrugged, "No seriously this school is horrible. Go back to Mars in my honest advice." She shrugged and smiled but looked down, "No. I want to learn here." I blushed. Shoved my hands in my pocket, "What ever you say. Okay. I'm leaving now." I walked away she yelled thank you but I didn't turn around. I felt bad for her. I remember when I sat on the ground crying. I didn't want anyone to go through that. It was my job to make sure she was okay. But it isn't going to get personal. I would say I'm like her watcher. Anndd bam that sounded creepy already.

~ H

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