Im Sewing You

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Flynn's Perspective

   Today is Monday, and yesterday I had Clare come over so that we can take our pictures for our collage, I already posted it on Instagram and it already has 200,000 likes. I already know we are going to win. I haven't spoke to Ethan in a while, I might hang out with him on Sunday. Ethan isn't here yet so I just took a shower, and when I got out Ethan was in my room, and I changed in front of him without a problem.

"I thought you would be disgusted while I watch you change, but it seems like it doesn't even bother you."he said with his arms crossed over his shoulder slouching in my office chair.
"Well, Ethan, old pal, if you have changed in front of a girl, you can change in front of a boy, now listen I don't think you'll be able to do that anytime soon now."I said with a smirk.

   When I got down stairs I grabbed an apple and head out the door, I walked looking at my Instagram page, and the photo went viral, everyone in town will know. I had I smirk in my face when I went down the stairs.

"Flynn, you know Clare's step father will know right?"Ethan said, him facing me.
"And I don't give a fuck, he can suck my dick."I said laughing.
   When we got to school everyone was looking at me and applauding, then I felt someone put something on my head, and I turned around it was Lance, the gay over dramatic drama brain prep guy. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Congratulations King of Cute Couples!"he said with jazz hands.
"Thanks."I said.

   As soon as I got to my locker Clare was walking towards me. I got a piece of gum and closed my locker, Clare also had a crown on her head. I turned around and I grinned so hard, and it was a real smile.

"Clare, baby, you look like my dinner, you wanna go to my house after school to celebrate?"I said opening my arms so she can hug me, but she wasn't as happy as I am.
"What wrong?"I asked with my hands on her cheeks.
"I'm afraid my dad is going to know."she said looking down.
"Don't worry he won't, and if he does explain your self he's not your real dad."I said with a smile and I gently kissed her on the forehead.

   I went walked the opposite direction since my first period is in the back of the school and I'm in the front, but when I was on my way to my first period I bumped into Veronica. She looked happy to see me.

"Flynn, you have science next period?"she asked holding my hand looking deep into my eyes.
"Great, my schedule changed so lead the way."she said putting my arm on her shoulder.

   When I got to science I was so bored and Veronica was in her phone and so was I, just watching my likes popping up out of nowhere. Veronica had her leg on top of mine, I felt like she was taking picture of me, but she would only do that if I had a good hair day or something, and my hair was messed up by her running her hands through it.
   In the middle of class I heard the principal speakers go off and the whole class was silent.
"I want Flynn Gonzalez to come to the principals office, Flynn Gonzalez if you don't come right now I'll get your mom."she said.
"Fuck her."I said walking out of the classroom and everyone was saying "ooohhh" and I stick up the middle finger so that all of them can see how many fucks I give.
   As soon as I got the the principals office, none of my parents where there, so why did she want me,

"Flynn, I have one problem."she said leaning back in her chair.
"What the fuck do you want Maria?!"I said.
"Flynn, I can get your mother, do you want me to do that?"
"Go right ahead, and I'll show you how many fucks I give."I said with a smirk. She looked at me for a good long second.
"Flynn that photo you posted yesterday is bringing to much attention to this school I want you to take it down."she said.
"I'm sorry, but it's my phone, it's my decision, and I say no, and my father is in California right now, he can be at my house any hour now, and my mother doesn't care about me so. You can do what ever you want, I will still have that photo and you don't have the dignity to make me delete it. Now if you can excuse me..."I said standing up from the seat"I have 30 more minutes of science I should get into, have a blessed day."I left with a fake smile.

   When I got to the science room everyone sat silently as I walked to the back of the room next to Veronica. And she just looked at me and smiled.

"Where gonna have a fun time on Saturday, study buddy."she said.

       I got home and I went straight to bed, I had a long day. My dad was back and he was unpacking, he told me he was going to talk to me when I wake up, I didn't really give to shits about what he says so ya. Two hours later I woke up and Caesar was watching TV.

"What do you want."I said when my hands in my pockets.
"Sit down."
"No, I'm fine here."
"Alright, now, next time I hear you cursing at your principal your changing schools."
"Ya, funny and I had sex with Veronica after I did with Natalie."I said cracking up."nice joke you got there."I said.
"FLYNN!!!"he said.
"CAESAR!!!"I said still cracking up.
"I'm serious."
"So am I."I said sarcastically.
     All of a sudden I here the door ring. I got to the front door faster than my dad. And it was Clare's step father.
"I'm sewing you."Clare's step father said.
"For..."Caesar and I said.
"The photo you posted on social media, it has gone viral around the world, and not deleting it when I told the principal to tell you to."
"When?"I said moving my father so I would have eye contacts with Clare's step father.
"Friday."he said.
"How many?"I said.
"1,000,000 dollars."he said acting all manly.
"My account has 1,000,000 times more than that, shit. See you are court mister."I said laughing.
"Alright Flynn get inside."my dad said with a smirk, then when he closed the door cracking up on the floor.
"One million dollar."he said mimicking him.

This is going to be very funny.

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