Are You Guys Dating?

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-flynn's pov-

I was around 3 in the afternoon and I've been so bored at home. My dad doesn't want me going out during the daytime because if something happens to me then he will have to get out of work. So I sit on the couch all day like a couch potato. Nothing much has really happened between Xiomara and Jessica, they don't talk to each other at all. And it's been a long time since my friends and I have hung out. I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, then the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was Clare and Noah. I turned around and started walking back to the living room.

"I'm glad to see you too," Noah said closing the door behind him.

I sat down and Noah and Clare sat next to each other.

"Why are you two here, together?"I asked looking at them up and down.

"We can't say hi to you," Clare said looking at Noah in phony confusion. I took a long look at the both of them. Clare was blushing and Noah was playing with his fingers.

"You two are dating aren't you?"I asked.

"No.," the both of them said very quickly.

"Ok, you can stop lying." I started leaning back with my arms crossed over my chest.

"We're not lying," Clare said looking down.

"You guys hooked up or some shit?"I asked in disgust. They were both silents.

"Alright in tired of your bullshit, I've been sitting here on the fucking couch all fucking week. Noah come over here."I said walking to the backyard, Noah and Clare followed. I grabbed the football from the shelf.

"Woah you got a pool boy?"Noah said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yea." I walked slowly to on side of the pool. And I told Noah to stay on the other side.

"Alright this is how its gonna go, we are going to throw the ball across the pool. Whoever gets in the pool first looses."I said with a smirk and bit my lip. I took off my shirt and threw it at Clare.

"Are you serious?" she said.

"Love you, baby," I said winking and blowing a kiss.

I threw the ball as far as I could and Noah ended up having to run to the other side of the backyard to order to catch it. And man my backyard is big. Noah ran back and threw the football back and I caught it.

"Hold on,"I told Noah. I took out my phone from my back pocket and texted Jaleen, Veronica, and Ethan to come over.

I threw the football back at Noah, he was caught off guard and the ball almost hit him in the face. I could hear Clare's chuckles slip from her mouth. Noah tried to through the ball back as hard as he could but I easily caught it. I noticed something about the way Noah caught the ball. He focuses on the ball and not his surroundings. His father probably taught him that. So the threw the ball lightly, Noah ran the go catch the ball and he caught it. But he ended up jumping in the pool.

"Shit," Noah said as soon as he notices he's in the pool. I heard two girls laughing, so I looked over my shoulder. It was Veronica and Ella. I walked over to Ella and picked her up and threw her in the pool.

"You trying to go in?"I asked Veronica with a smirk right after I threw Ella.

"Why don't you go in first?" she said biting her bottom lip with he purse in her hand.

"Don't have to ask me twice," I said jumping into the pool and started swimming to Ella. I right behind her and I grabbed her waist and started kissing her neck.

"Flynn you stupid idiot I have my clothes on," she said placing her hands on my arms.

"You still love me though,"I said moving her wet hair from her neck.

"Move you love birds," Veronica said, I turned around and saw her carefully take off her dress and high heels.

"There's perfect space for you on the other side," I said with a smirk.

"What the fuck Flynn you never told me we had a pool," Xiomara said walking slowly in the backyard and Ethan walking behind her.

"Your coming babe?"Xiomara asked Ethan. Ethan's face glowed and he started taking off his clothes quickly and jumped in splashing all of us. I started swimming to Ethan and I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted him up and threw him back in the pool.

"Been a long time little boy," I said laughing.

"Yea, a lot of homework," Ethan said nodding his head.

"Yea, between my sisters legs right?"I said winking at him and Ethan pushed me back and I turned around and Jaeleen and Veronica where splashing water at each other.

I got out of the pool, went back into the house and found Clare in the kitchen. I went upstairs and knocked on Jessica's door. I heard her yell to come in. I went into the room and found her in the darkest corner of the room with books, folders, and papers scattered around her with her head in her hand.

"Are you doing homework?"I asked in confusion.

"Yea, cant you tell. And why are you wet?" she asked.

"Everyone is in the pool, why are you up here?"I asked walking closer to her.

"Nobody told me anything," she said looking down.

"Oh, do you want to go?"I asked her.

"No I'll just catch up with you guys when I'm done," she said silently.

"Alright, do you know by any chance why Jaeleen and Veronica are friends?"I said pointing at her.

"Well on Monday they walked to first period together, and Veronica asked your girlfriend if she wants to sit with us during lunch. It was like that for the rest of the week, how do you not know this?" she asked with a confused face.

"Shit, well I'll see you later. Love you."I said rushing out of the room and everyone was downstairs in the kitchen eating something.

"What is that?"I asked, and Jaeleen walked over to me with a towel over her shoulders and a bra under it. She placed her hand on my chest lightly and my I placed mine on her waist.

"Its chocolate chip cookies," she said calmly with one in her hand. I took the cookie out of her hand and put it in my mouth. And Jaeleen watched me chew it slowly with a sly smirk across my face.

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