What Did You Do Flynn?

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       It's been so long since I've been home. Almost a week and everyone has been blowing up my phone. I've turned it off the first 3 days but I needed to check if the video was still up and still was. So many people have already seen it. I've failed Ella I don't know what to do now. I'm not tired of shit like that happening to me. I'm tired of all the manipulation I just wanna escape. Get out of my mind a little and just relax. I know just what would help, weed.

Authors Note: Read the last chapter of my book Weed Boy to know what happened.

   I went up to go use the bathroom with the blunt. I still wanted to get high and I wasn't done with the blunt yet. The hallways where empty, not a sound but the pencils and the steps of the teachers. I know my dad is on his way with Ethan it might take them sometime but the house is close by the school. I was getting kinda hungry and got some munchies and before I could grab the chips from the machine I dropped the blunt, stepped on it. Looked around to see who would see me, no one. The smell of pencils and hot breathe consumed me.
    I got so tired of standing around waiting for someone to come and see the state I'm in. It's funny how lonely one can feel even when people say they love you. So how come I don't feel it? I opened the bag and tossed some chips in my mouth. Opened the can of soda and burped.

"Flynn," a large echo from the hallways made me shake a bit.
   I couldn't move my body I was still. I couldn't even move my neck and peeked to the side and realized it was my dad. It's probably just me, I'm still high right? Anyways I sat down on the floor with my back on the wall. Someone touched my shoulder and I glanced at my shoulder and up. It was Ethan, he looked worried but how can he? He should be mad.

"You're not really here." I mumbled under my breath. Drinking my soda looking around here comes a figure calling my name once again. Crouching down in front of me taking my chips from my hand. Placing the smashed blunt in the bag and looked down at me.

"What the fuck Flynn? You can be expelled." Pa said I looked up at him and smiled.

"He's high." Ethan said looking down at me in disappointment. I attempted the stand up and steadily succeeding. Ethan tried holding my hand, I snatched it away from him.

" I don't need your fucking help. Leave me alone." I spat at him.

"Leave him be." My father said, I turned around as soon as I heard him voice. He stood firmly as a pointed at him.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked with a smirk.

"We'll talk when we get home."

    That shit was the most awkward driving home. But I made it fun for myself though, I was singing to the radio Ariana Grande my wife was singing. I cannot not sing the Ariana Grande shitting me? Ethan was just staring at my from the rear view mirror in annoyance yet relief. I bet you he was thinking about how I could have killed myself or some shit. If my dad gives me an ass whoopin when we get home, I'm gonna cry like a wuss. But I forgot how those shits felt because my mom got scared to beat me because she thought I would put my hands on her. Do you understand how SAD that is? Damn I feel bad for my mom. Once I got out of the car and in front of the hood of the car. I heard feet slapping the pavement, it getting louder and louder by the second. The smell of lavender and vanilla rushed towards me. Arms wrap around my neck and legs wrap around my waist. All I could do was hug back.

"Is this Jessica?" her light brown hair got away from my face one she pulled back. Her legs slowing unravel from my waist and she wipes away a tear from her face.

"Why are you crying?" She looked up at me and her eyes widened and she started punching me.

"You really fucking think I wouldn't be worried you son of a BITCH!"

"I'm sorry my love. I didn't mean to scare you." I said looking down at Jessica. She's really pretty.

"Alright Flynn let's go inside." Father put his hand behind my back and kinda pushed me so I could start walking.

    Things where the same, the smell, the way it looked. I mean what would change? I went up to my room with my head down slowly taking off my jacket. I opened my bed room door and my sheets where changed. The carpet was cleaned, it had blood before. I walked into the bathroom and my mirror was fixed, so my dad must know what happened. Shit, he's gonna spaz on me about not taking me meds. I gotta get out of here, I hear the door close behind me.

"Flynn, come sit down." I slowly walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. I looked down at my hands and covered my face.

"What the hell happened to the mirror?" he asked looking down at me.

"I don't know I dont remember, I think I got upset so I smashed my hands into the mirror and-"

"What were you upset about?" he closed his arms around his chest.

"I don't fucking remember-"

"Watch your mouth kid, why did you run away?" he grounded his teeth.

"I was pissed at Xiomara for invading my privacy and leaking a video of me and Jessica." I explained like a little kid.

"What video of you and Jessica, what where you guys doing?" his eye squinted fixed on me.

"She was drunk and kissed me and she-" I looked down, my voice got louder and breathes got shorter and shorter.

"Kid relax relax, I'm right here." someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Xiomara peaked her head through the door.

"What are you doing here?" I said, she opens the door wider. Once she said me she closed the door behind her.

"Listen Flynn I know your mad at me but just please hear me out."

"This is a lot." I mumbled, I couldn't breathe. I stood up and took off my shirt. Pacing back and fourth my bedroom.

"Flynn are you ok? Have you been taking your meds?" he asked in a very low voice. I stopped pacing and looked at then both and they look scared.

"Can you n- can you not look at me like that?" They stopped looking at me and looked down at the ground.

"Flynn, look I'm sorry. I deleted it a long time ago, I just didn't like how Jessica was all over you can you had a girlfriend. I want to protect her and you. Flynn I fucking love you I never meant to hurt your feelings." Xiomara walked up to me cupped her hands on my face.

"But you did. Not only my feeling but Jessica's. You're crazy." I moved her hands away and went into the bathroom.

"Fucking crazy bitch!" I yelled I grabbed my meds and took one drank some water.

"Watch your mouth!" father yelled from the room. I got out and grabbed my shirt.

"Where are you going?"he asked following me out the room.

"To see my fucking girlfriend."

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