Suck My Dick!

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*Flynn's POV*

Once we got to the mall went went to the second floor and I looked back at Joyce and she ran to me and pointed to the left so that we can take her there. It was Forever 21 and Joyce was picking out everything she wanted me to buy. As soon as she couldn't fit any more clothes on her arms her started putting them over my shoulders. And I started laughing. Jessica was walking over to Joyce to see what she was picking, and also shopping for her self.
I asked Joyce if she wanted me to go get a shopping cart so that we won't stress our selves with the clothes. I walked away and I saw people with cameras and microphones. I thought there wasn't any popperazzi in the mall but I guess I was wrong.
"Who are the girls that came with you? Are they your girlfriends? Does your father know?"they asked following my every move.
"It's none of your fucking business and go suck my dick and get a life."I told them.
"Sorry Mr. Gonzalez."they said.

*Joyce's POV*

Flynn went to go get a shopping kart, and he was taking so long. I didn't want to stay by my self with Jessica. I just don't like her, she thinks everything is about her. Isn't she dating Ethan , she's just so jealous of me like come on now.
"Are you gonna buy that?"she asked me looking at me up and down.
"Yea, you don't like it?"I asked looking back at her.
"Do you think I care about your opinion?"I asked her rolling my eyes. She stayed quiet.
"Yea. I didn't think so."I walked away from her.
Once I found Flynn with the shopping cart I ran to him and placed the clothes in it. I picked some dresses. I tried some in the fitting room and I needed help putting up the zipper so I walked out and Flynn looked up with a smile.
"Flynn, can you help?"I asked walking back in Flynn went in. He helped me with the zipper.
"You like it?"I asked him.
"Yea, you look sexy."he said facing me sliding his hand around my waist and kissed me.
"Well, lets pay for the stuff before they think imma steal it."I said with a smirk.

Flynn's POV
I walked out and I said Jessica standing with one hand on her hip and a Forever 21 bag in the other like she's gonna slap somebody. She had one eyebrow raised and a straight face . I looked back at Joyce and she just rolled her eyes and took the cart to the line. I followed Joyce and Jessica followed me. Once we got up to the cashier she was looking down but when she looked up she was surprised and tears started filling her eyes.
"Hey."I said stuffing my hands in my jean pockets. The cashier got out from her chair and hugged me.
"Your Caesar Noralez son!"she said.
"I know, you look really pretty, I like your hair."I told her.
"Thanks, can I take a photo with you?"she said.
"Sure, why not?"I told her. I gave her phone to Jessica so that she can take the photo. And she did, Joyce was surprised she doesn't know why I am well known.
Once we where done paying for all the clothes Jessica wanted to know how much all the clothes Joyce wanted and she was surprised.
"Shit Joyce, do you really need all those clothes?"she said.
"Shit Jessica, mind your business."Joyce said and walked away leaving me with all the bags.
"Burn."I said laughing, then I followed Joyce out of the store.

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