A Proper Introduction

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The next morning you woke up at your alarm ringing in your ear. You put on your uniform and looked at yourself in the mirror to fix your hair. Asahi was doing his own hair in the bathroom. You walked in to brush your teeth and he smiled at you. "Didn't hear your alarm clock slam on the floor, so I assume your in a good mood?" You laughed and nod in response. "Just excited for my first day as a second year." You both walked out the house and headed to school. On the way, Asahi was preparing you for your teachers that he had last year. "Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" You thought about sitting with him and his friends. "Hmm if I don't find any friends before lunch then sure." The two of you entered the building and split to your classes. You read your schedule and was finding your classes pretty well until you tried looking for you English room. The hallways were crowed as students filled them which made finding your classroom worse. Luckily a silver haired boy noticed your puzzled face and he came up to you. "What room you looking for?" You handed him your schedule and he glanced through it. "Oh it's the last door down the hall on your left. He scanned the hallway and noticed Kiyoko. "Oi Kiyoko!" The raven haired girl turned around and walked over. "This is (y/n). She's going to English, think you could drop her off? I have to run to math." She nodded and the silver haired boy ran to his class. She walked you to your English class and you thank her. She smiled softly. Neither of them mentioned their name and you wished they would've so you could prove to your brother that you could make friends with out him.
~~~TIME SKIP: LUNCH~~~ You walked around the cafeteria looking for the raven haired girl but you couldn't find her anywhere. You noticed your brother eating with his friends but you decided to leave him alone. So, instead you ate your lunch outside in the courtyard. While you were outside, Asahi kept scanning the room a bit to look for you but he just assumed you were hanging with your new friends you met. Daichi noticed him drifting off from the conversation. "Hey, Asahi? You good you seem distracted?" Asahi immediately snaps out of it. "Yeah sorry just tired."
~~~TIME SKIP: THE END OF THE DAY~~~ Once the last bell rang, you looked for the gym to watch your brother practice. When you lived with your grandma for a while, Asahi would call you and gloat about how awesome his volleyball team was so you just had to see for yourself. As you walked to the gym you noticed the raven haired girl in the gym. You shyly waved at her and she smiled. "I didn't get to introduce myself when we met but I'm Kiyoko." You decided to introduce yourself too since you  didn't say your name earlier. "O-oh and I'm (y/n)." You smiled and she smiled back. "So do you have a sibling here?" You asked. She shook her head. "Nope. I'm the team manager of the boys volleyball team." All of a sudden two first years burst through the gym doors shouting. The oranges haired boy crossed his arms and pretended not to hear the taller raven haired male. "If you don't listen to me, we will loose the next game!" The orange haired boy shook his head. "Maybe you should listen to my thoughts of a new quick set!" Kiyoko looked at you. "That's Kageyama and Hinata. They're first years." The rest of the boys began entering the gym and Yachi sat with you and Kiyoko on the bleachers. "I'm Yachi by the way. I'm a first year so you probably haven't seen me around." She smiled and you did the same. "I'm (y/n)." You three began to watch the boys come out of the locker room to begin practice. Kiyoko looks up from her clip board a sighs. "They're late again." You look up at her. "Who's they?" Two second years burst through the doors and apologize to coach Ukai. "We're really sorry!" Said the shaved headed boy. Coach Ukai shook his head. "Just get out there and do your laps!" They both nodded and began to run their 3 laps around the gym. You noticed Asahi with the other third years and you pointed out the silver haired boy. "Who's that." "Oh that's Suga." Kiyoko said. "And Daichi and Asahi." You waved to Asahi and he shyly waved back. Suga smiled at Asahi and he smirked at Asahi. "Looks like we got a girl who isn't afraid of you huh?" "Well that's because she's uh...my sister." Suga gasped and punched his arm. "Why didn't you tell me!?" Asahi rubbed his throbbing arm. "Ow...well because I didn't think she'd actually attended here, she lived my grandparents for awhile." Suga whispers to Daichi and he punches Asahi in the other arm. "Why didn't you tell us?! We've been friends since first years!"  Asahi rubbed both his arms in pain. "Will you both stop it! Jeez my arms are killing me!" They both laughed and Asahi sighed. "I'm just trying to keep her out of trouble you know?" Suga snickered and pointed at you talking to Tanaka and Noya. Asahi face palmed himself. "Out of all people..."
The two second years came up to you after they ran their laps. The shaved headed boy talked first. "Look Noya someone actually wants to watch us practice." Nishinoya smiled. "And a girl at that. You new here?" You blushed a bit, he was really cute. The other boy called him Nishinoya and you almost forgot the question he asked because you were too busy trying to remember that name. "Hello?" You snap out of it and nodded. He laughed. "Well I think we should give you a proper tour of the school tomorrow, right Tanaka?" He nodded and crossed his arms. Coach Ukai shouted for them to get back to practice and the two boys ran off.

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